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  1. Lgoldman

    Platy inactive and breathing heavily

    I’m currently putting the fry in my main tank in case something happens when I’m not home. They are over a month old. The female is currently hiding. I’ll do a water change on the small tank. Should I turn the light off in case she’s in labor?
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  3. Lgoldman

    Platy inactive and breathing heavily

    I cleaned the tank a few days ago. I only have test strips, but here are the results: nitrite- 0 nitrate-10 chlorine- 0 kh- about 110 ph- about 7
  4. Lgoldman

    Platy inactive and breathing heavily

    One of my female platys has been breathing heavily and staying at the bottom of the tank all day. She ate this morning. I moved her to a smaller tank. The small tank only has two platy fry that will go into my bigger tank soon. All of my other fish are fine. I can’t tell if she is pregnant or...
  5. Lgoldman

    BN pleco spiraling?

    It was literally spinning, like all around and super fast, random directions. (Corkscrew if you know what that swimming drill is). I do a 30-40% water change at least once a weak, and my tank currently has 3 filters. Her stomach wasn’t really black. It was blue but I researched it and it said...
  6. Lgoldman

    BN pleco spiraling?

    They were packaged, but I cleaned them and boiled them before feeding
  7. Lgoldman

    BN pleco spiraling?

    I looked it up online and it seemed safe. Does she look bloated in the pic? There was only a tiny bit of cabbage
  8. Lgoldman

    BN pleco spiraling?

    They weren’t. I checked the ingredients, and it was just romaine lettuce, carrot, and red cabbage. My mollies picked at some if it and they are fine.
  9. Lgoldman

    BN pleco spiraling?

    I hope nothing was on the vegetables, my parents eat those. I’ll definitely get a new test kit when I can. Thanks
  10. Lgoldman

    BN pleco spiraling?

    I have driftwood. She hid under it often and ate a good bit of it. I also have live plants and lava rock, but she didn’t use those often. She also liked hiding behind the heater or on the old filter.
  11. Lgoldman

    BN pleco spiraling?

    I’ll definitely try to get it soon. Do you have any idea why the pleco could have died? I had recently installed two new filters, which could have been stressing her out as her behavior changed when I added them. (She started staying at one spot at the front of the tank).
  12. Lgoldman

    BN pleco spiraling?

    How long do they last? I might be able to get my parents to get it if it lasts a while but I don’t think they’ll let me buy it often
  13. Lgoldman

    BN pleco spiraling?

    I use test strips. They don’t test ammonia but my nitrite was 0 and my nitrate was less than 10 since I had just cleaned the tank.
  14. Lgoldman

    BN pleco spiraling?

    I woke up to find that she hadn’t moved at all. I looked closely and noticed her eyes weren’t red anymore. I put the net in, and she still didn’t move, so I removed her. I still have no idea why she died. The vegetables had nothing on them, the ingredients were just romaine lettuce, carrot, and...
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  16. Lgoldman

    BN pleco spiraling?

    She is still hiding in the Java Moss. Should I cover the tank to make it fully dark?
  17. Lgoldman

    BN pleco spiraling?

    I have had the pleco for about 3 or 4 months. It is a female albino bristlenose pleco. The tank has been set up for about a year, and I did a fish in cycle about six or seven months ago.
  18. Lgoldman

    BN pleco spiraling?

    Last night I boiled a small amount of romaine lettuce, red cabbage, and carrot. I left this in my 20 gallon tank overnight and removed it the next day. In the morning, my pleco‘s stomach was blue and a tiny bit big, but it seemed normal. I had a piece of lettuce in the tank attached to an algae...
  19. Lgoldman

    How often water changes

    I do a 30% water change at least once a week on my 20 gallon. How often you should do it depends on the size of your tank and how many fish you have
  20. Lgoldman

    Platy or molly ID ??

    It’s a male platy. If you get more platys then I recommend two or more females since male livebearers harass females. Female platys are just as pretty as the males though!
  21. Lgoldman

    Questions about Molly/platy fry

    A few slightly better pics if anyone can tell what they are
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  24. Lgoldman

    Questions about Molly/platy fry

    It’s really hard to get pics of them ?
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  27. Lgoldman

    How can I add more fish without overstocking?

    I currently use Seachem Alkaline buffer, and it works pretty well. Thanks!
  28. Lgoldman

    Questions about Molly/platy fry

    Thanks! I’m still not sure if they are mollies are platys. I also can’t tell if they are going to be white or yellow, but they have black spots. They are either bumblebee platys or Dalmatian mollies.
  29. Lgoldman

    How can I add more fish without overstocking?

    I dont think I’ll be able to do water changes that large every week since my ph has had problems with getting too low before, but I bought an aquaclear 50 and a sponge filter. I’ll probably do 30% water changes every week.
  30. Lgoldman

    Questions about Molly/platy fry

    I feed them three times a day. They’re doing really well!
  31. Lgoldman

    Worried about Overcrowding and Algae Problems

    I don’t know about the shrimp, but you could get nerite snails. They are active snails and you don’t have to feed them anything besides what is already in your tank. Also, they won’t overpopulate because they don’t breed in freshwater. They might not be enough to keep up with the algae though.
  32. Lgoldman

    How can I add more fish without overstocking?

    I think I’m going to get a better filter and add a sponge filter as well. I’ll probably Do a 25% water change every weekend. Thanks!
  33. Lgoldman

    How can I add more fish without overstocking?

    Sorry, I worded that badly. I already have the fry in a separate tank. I was wondering about adding them once they are adults. Is 8 livebearers and a pleco too much for a 20 gallon? If it is too much would a better filter or filter media help?
  34. Lgoldman

    How can I add more fish without overstocking?

    Hi! I have a 20 gallon tank with 3 mollies, 3 platys, a BN pleco, and nerite snails. I usually siphon the tank every week and my filter is the one that came with a tank. (Its either Tetra or Aqueon). Recently I found fry in my tank. There were only two left by the time I found them, but I moved...
  35. Lgoldman

    What Fish Do You Regret Buying?

    Balloon mollies. I only had one but it was a horrible swimmer and the other fish picked on it.
  36. Lgoldman

    Questions about Molly/platy fry

    Hi! I have a 20 gallon tank with three mollies, three platys, a BN pleco, and nerite snails. Yesterday I noticed fry in the tank. I’m not sure how old they are, but there were only a few left by the time I saw them. I was going to leave them in the tank but I felt bad and ended up moving the two...
  37. Lgoldman

    Nerite snails had babies in freshwater

    The baby snail I saw had a shell. I never noticed any larvae but I could have missed it as I wasn’t looking and I have a ton of Java moss. I don’t feed the tank anything special. Just tropical flakes, frozen brine shrimp, algae wafers, and some vegetables for the pleco.
  38. Lgoldman

    Nerite snails had babies in freshwater

    Oh, that makes sense. I haven’t gotten any new plants recently though. It’s fine as long as it‘s a one time thing. Thanks!
  39. Lgoldman

    Nerite snails had babies in freshwater

    I can’t get a picture right now because I cant find it, but it looked similar to pics I saw online. Is it even possible for a pest snail to get into the tank? I don’t have any snails besides the nerites.
  40. Lgoldman

    Swordtails slapping the body on sword plant

    My platys were acting stressed and rubbing against plants once, but they stopped after I did a water change. It probably has to do with the ammonia and nitrite. I would probably clean the tank immediately and remove anything that could possible be causing ammonia (dying plants, over feeding, a...