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  1. S

    Hozelock filter lamp change

    Do I need to get the filter above the level of the pond to stop water siphoning out once I remove the lamp housing? Going to change the lamp on mine and want to make sure I don't empty the pond over the garden .
  2. S

    Recommendation for Roma 125 / noisy filter

    The tubing on my Oase doesn't go straight up and it's super quiet. I've tidied it up quite a bit now once I moved the shelf and previously had more links and bends in them.
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  4. S

    Removing an internal filter.

    I did order a fluval but exchanged it for the Oase, the inlet and outlet pipes were a bit higher so the lid didn't sit flush and would have need some modifications to the lid.
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  8. S

    Removing an internal filter.

    Easy to do in the end, suggestions used in the thread. Went for an oase biomaster therm in the end so heater wasn't in the tank.
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    Fish update

    So what's he suggest for Kents hard water ?
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    Fish update

    that's come up on my Facebook feed, nice stock list ?
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    Fish update

    Where's that then ?
  12. S

    Aquarium plants for sale

    Plants arrived this morning, excellent quality thanks.
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    How much media to put in a canister filter

    Have a look at this , might be of some use ?
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    Fluval Roma 240 filter advice ?

    An excellent filter. This is worth a watch too.
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    Aquarium Heater

    the same could be said for most thermometers ?
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    digital thermometer

    Unless you buy a calibrated one you could buy anything cheap. Found this on a simple search but not bought myself
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    I was considering the Fluval 307 but decided having the heater in the cannister was a better idea on a smaller tank. The prefilter is brilliant, I did my first clean this week and the internal sponges were pretty much spotless, so maintenance is going to be so much easier.
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    Aquarium plants for sale

    Just bought water.lettuce ?
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    I've just installed the Oase Biomaster therm, it's brilliant. didn't need to modify anything to get the pipework in as there were slots for the cables to the internal filter which I could use. If I had need to modify I would have made small modifications to the lid.
  20. S

    Stocking ideas, 125l Juwel Lido.

    dont worry, lets move on
  21. S

    Stocking ideas, 125l Juwel Lido.

    So long as your not colour blind ;)
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    Stocking ideas, 125l Juwel Lido. exactly the same
  23. S

    Stocking ideas, 125l Juwel Lido.

    It's a liquid test kit that gives you a colour, so it's subjective as to which colour you think is the pH.
  24. S

    Stocking ideas, 125l Juwel Lido.

    Exactly what it says, somewhere between 7-8, without a pH meter the test kits can be open to interpretation.
  25. S

    Stocking ideas, 125l Juwel Lido.

    Yes that's what the api test kit gave. I'll redo the test later but it's always wavered between 12 and 13 when I have done it. Both the fish stores I use locally have never raised any flags whenever I asked about suitability of tap water and certain fish I've bought. One of these is a maidenhead...
  26. S

    Stocking ideas, 125l Juwel Lido.

    Your water hardness 302 mg/l CaCO₃ 21.13 English degrees or degrees clark 30.18 French degrees 16.90 German degrees 3.02 mmol/l 16.90 Grains per US gallon 21.13 Grains per British Gallon This means your water is classified as hard
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    Stocking ideas, 125l Juwel Lido.

    pH 7-8, , KH 8, GH 13.
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    Stocking ideas, 125l Juwel Lido.

    Only links I could find was in the thinkfish website, I've no idea how reputable the data is.
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    Stocking ideas, 125l Juwel Lido.

    So should be ok with a group of sterbai (5/6) and I'm now thinking an acara may be ok , red breasted or flag.
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    Stocking ideas, 125l Juwel Lido.

    Damn, need to rethink ?. Any suggestions ?
  31. S

    Stocking ideas, 125l Juwel Lido.

    I did, picked up a group of 9. Does it matter which sex the ram I get is ? I've read the Bolivians are difficult to sex. Some of the rams in the tank seemed to have more colour than other, so would this be a factor ?
  32. S

    Stocking ideas, 125l Juwel Lido.

    Yes confirmed the glowlight were Hengeli, had some nice Bolivians there too, starting to.colour up nicely. Hopefully have some in a few weeks time.
  33. S

    Stocking ideas, 125l Juwel Lido.

    From what I remember the glowlight is what they called the hengeli. If I'm getting glowlight danio then the tank might be a bit samey so I might go for the purple harlequins instead.
  34. S

    Stocking ideas, 125l Juwel Lido.

    Going in tomorrow to pick up the rasbora, they have Harlequins,Glowlight, Copper,Purple and Scissortail. Are the purples a variant of the harlequin ? Ive seen them before and they do look nice.
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    Stocking ideas, 125l Juwel Lido.

    I was only considering Corys.
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    Stocking ideas, 125l Juwel Lido.

    Stock list : Living World Canterbury CATFISH Synodontis Petricola Synodontis occelifer Synodontis valetiana synodontis yellow head synodontis zebra synodontis multipuntatus Wallago catfish pteradorus ( 8" ) corydora bronze corydora bronze longfin corydora peppered corydora panda corydora...
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    Corydoras for Hard Water List

    Found it :)