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  1. K

    Guppy is sick don’t know what to do

    Haha yeah, the poor duder was hiding under some logs round the back of the aquarium so even getting those pics was hard D: I’ve got him in a quarantine tank for now and can probably get some better pics soon. I’ve added some salt in the meantime, so I’m glad to see you’ve suggested that too...
  2. K

    Guppy is sick don’t know what to do

    Hey guys! I’ve had my guppies for about half a year and one of them is just lying on the bottom looking weird, he’s been listless for a couple of days and it’s getting worse. He’s just chilling round the back under a log right now so I had to do some sort of fish tank yoga just to get my phone...
  3. 0FC995FA-77EB-4CB3-95BA-87CC3B934E62.jpeg


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  6. K

    Guppies keep dying

    That's a good call! I've just checked and I've got another 2 years before I'm out of time haha Thank you so much for explaining all this clearly, it can get a little overwhelming with everything to remember. I have a much better picture of what is going on with my tank! And thank you everyone...
  7. K

    Guppies keep dying

    Ok, I'll know what to look out for if I ever suspect they do have worms, so thanks for that! I had a quick google and the results were: Calcium: 123 mg/l total Hardness: 307.5 mg/l
  8. K

    Guppies keep dying

    Thank you for all your help, I'm still a little new to fishkeeping, so would this mean that it wouldn't harm my fish? Haha, yeah I've definitely made that mistake before. This one is good to go!
  9. K

    Guppies keep dying

    It's the API Freshwater Master Kit, the liquid one with the test tubes.
  10. K

    Guppies keep dying

    Good to know, thank you! I've already cycled my tank, would I need to cycle it again?
  11. K

    Guppies keep dying

    I've been using the Aloe Vera for a long time, so it's a definite possibility. I'm testing my tap water and yeah, the water has turned green! I never thought of doing this. So I've been putting ammonia back into the tank, when I do water changes. Nothing comes up when I test the tank water...
  12. K

    Guppies keep dying

    I'm going to be SO mad at myself if I've been accidentally poisoning them this whole time. But noted, I will make the switch, thanks a lot for the suggestion!
  13. K

    Guppies keep dying

    Thanks everyone! All I have are these 6 guppies and some pond snails that snuck in with a plant. Would the intestinal worms have any other symptoms other than just becoming thin? As of now, all my guppies are looking ok, I've got one with a slight bent spine but he's fine otherwise...
  14. K

    Guppies keep dying

    Hi! I woke up this morning and saw I've lost my favourite guppy today. I've had my 130L tank for about a year now, do about 20% water change every week, 24C temperature, it's fully cycled, has plants and the ammonia, nitrates and nitrites are all at good levels. I had 12 guppies going into this...