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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. J

    DIY Light

    10 gal looks like this and I was going to use a GE CFL light bulb (14w 6500K)
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  3. J

    DIY Light

    Tank isn't set up yet :) and I was thinking of getting a special bulb.
  4. J

    DIY Light

    My sister has an old lamp that she doesn't want anymore, and I was thinking maybe I could turn it into a lamp for my 5 gal or 10 gal bowl aquarium. I don't really know if I would be able to rewire this to hold a bulb though. I'm not really familiar with how that kind of stuff works. And if it is...
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  9. J

    Need a synonym

    In the US, we (teenagers) say get hyped. Not so different from psyched ?
  10. J

    Chunk of Fish

    I planned on getting more, however, after this incident I dont know. And he is already turning a tinge yellow.... I worry that is a sign of infection already. And what should I do with him? I have no home for him to be in while he heals.
  11. J

    Chunk of Fish

    I recently added an adult anglefish to my 55 with my other 3 adults. I also have a pictus and pleco in there. Sadly, I woke up today to find a dime sized chunck missing out of my pictus. He has flesh and skin missing, but no organs exposed or gone. He gets scared when I come near, so I cant get...
  12. J

    Betta likes strong flow?

    Its like a little cage. The filter is an aqueon quiet flow 50.
  13. J

    Betta likes strong flow?

    It's not. That's why I moved the filter over to the side instead of having it in the middle of the tank.
  14. J

    Betta likes strong flow?

    Just out of curiosity, is it bad if the nest is disturbed.. I think it has been a couple times.
  15. J

    I'm Stupid and the Pictus Suffered

    That's the problem. Before I cut the net, he was being very calm, so I tried. But it was not coming off and I was pulling as hard as I felt comfortable pulling on a little fish.
  16. J

    I'm Stupid and the Pictus Suffered

    Kind of? I mean, he is in a brand new tank. He was exploring and swimming around, and I moved his cave from the previous tank in there in case he wanted to hide, but he seems to like laying next to the sponge filter better..
  17. J

    I'm Stupid and the Pictus Suffered

    He is in clean water, the lights are off Yes, that is the net Will the net just fall off in time? It was REALLY stuck on there.
  18. J

    Betta likes strong flow?

    I've moved my betta to a 20 gal tank. The filter gives a really strong flow so I moved it to one side of the tank so the other side would be pretty low flow. But he keeps swimming over to the filter side of the tank! And even more, directly under the filter! Is this normal for a betta? Is he...
  19. J

    I'm Stupid and the Pictus Suffered

    My beloved pictus was changed tanks today. He was in a 20 gal before and now he is in a 55 gal. The problem is I was switching the fish using a net to put them in a cup to put in the water and I was adding just a little bit of the new water in every 5 min. Well, the net got stuck to one of his...
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  21. J

    To plant or not to plant? That is the question

    Thanks for that! I hadn't done much research yet, but I guess maybe their own seperate tank down the road... would a 20 gal long work do you think?
  22. J

    To plant or not to plant? That is the question

    I have a 55 gal and I FINALLY got the substrate in! (I had to order online) I would really love to plant live plants. The substrate is sand in the foreground and black gravel in the back.The tank will have 4 pictus, a couple snails of different variety, angels (number to be decided), and most...
  23. J

    Popeye or Paranoid?

    pH is 7.6 Ammonia is between 0 and 0.25 (where it usually is) Nitrite is 0 Nitrate is 0
  24. J

    Popeye or Paranoid?

    I don't think his eyes have stick out like this before... Even just a couple days ago they weren't this big. I'll test the water parameters, but I just did a water change a couple days ago as well.
  25. J

    Popeye or Paranoid?

    He also seems to have a white ring around his eye when he moves them... I am not sure if that's supposed to be there either.
  26. J

    Popeye or Paranoid?

    Here is some pics below of my betta,is it just me or are his eyes sticking out abnormally? I could very possibly be paranoid, but I don't think his eyes were like that before. Am I catching it early?
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  31. J

    Stocking/Decor Ideas

    Lol, it sounds like your talking about my parents
  32. J

    Stocking/Decor Ideas

    Yeah, he definitely takes advantage of having the space... After seeing him swim so much, I need to convince the rest of my family they can't be kept in vases ?
  33. J

    Stocking/Decor Ideas

    He is actually currently in a 55 gal that I haven't set up yet... I couldn't bear to put him in a little vase. I filled it up with about 4 inches of water, and it currently has sand and some rando decor from established tanks. Some Dawn soap got into the tank - a long story. I did a little over...
  34. J

    Snail Food

    I plan on giving them their own seperate tank once I have the funds
  35. J

    Stocking/Decor Ideas

    I have a little 4 gallon bowfront tank that was given to me, and I'm looking to get it running! It will have a betta moving in (if he doesn't pass by the time I set it up). I would like to do a light sand substrate, but I'm definitley open to options. I'm on a budget - bigtime. I really wouldn't...
  36. J

    Snail Food

    I got some ramshorn snails last minute from someone giving them away for free. They are happily in their new tanks right now, and I have fed them some blanched veggies and algae wafers. However, I've been in search for calcium chips for their shells, and I can't find any! Do any of you know...
  37. J

    My Fish Should Be Dead?

    So, my fish should be dead. I recently found out I've been doing everything wrong because I was irresponsible with my research when I first started this hobby. I just bought a freshwater test kit, and this is going to be the first time that I have ever tested my water... pH - 7.6 Ammonia -...
  38. J

    What Should I Do For Work?

    @PlasticGalaxy I'm not really sure if this is common in the UK, but if you live in or near a big city you could look for fish maintainence companies, or even start your own. If fish care is something you really love, you should learn more about it and turn it into a job. I do agree that if you...
  39. J

    Breeding Pictus

    Has anyone had any success breeding pictus? I think I'm going to give it a shot, but I unfortunatley can't find much info on the internet.
  40. J

    Problems with Dominance

    I realise I didn't put that in the OG post, but I had a betta (also gifted) that I had to remove so I filled the 55 with 3-4 inches of water.