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  1. M

    Introduction to my heavily planted tank :)

    could be many things you are doing wrong. I would make a separate post with more info :)
  2. M

    Introduction to my heavily planted tank :)

    Its a radican sword, which is a type of amazon sword I believe :)
  3. M

    First attempt at a planted aquarium

    sounds perfect :) im sure you will have a lovely balanced tank!
  4. M

    Introduction to my heavily planted tank :)

    It's 48 gallon :) I will try get some nice pictures and enter :)
  5. M

    First attempt at a planted aquarium

    Tank looks nice! also cycling with plants is different as plants eat up ammonia too. Once you see plant growth you are normally fine to add fish, but you just make sure to only add slowly. You cant do testing quite the same as you might never have nitrates. If the plants are growing you know you...
  6. M

    Introduction to my heavily planted tank :)

    Thought I would post my aquarium :) first ever one so did heaps of research. Settled on a walstad style tank with as many plants as I could do. Stocking is 4 pearl gouramis, 6 leopard cories, 14 whitecloud minnows, 1 bristlenose and 3 peacock gudgeons. Its now just over 6 months old and Im...
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