Search results

  1. Z

    What kind of algae is that?

    Hi Guys, After 1 day of a 80L water change (my tank is 180L), I have seen some dusty of algae in my tank, I thought , "the fish and snails will get rid of it". (I have checked ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, all okay) I reckon it was an spike of phosphate (but how come?) Few days later it looks like...
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  8. Z

    What Fish Do You Regret Buying?

    Because someone said snails count.. Let me tell you my biggest regret. I bought 5 blue Ramshorn Snails, few weeks later I ended up with an infestation, I saw these hundreds dots on my glass, plants, everywhere. It look like my tank had chickenpox, it was awaful. Let me tell you, what they have...
  9. Z

    What is that?! Help me please.

    If it is that I'm cool... I was thinking it was a parasite or something like that. Thank you.
  10. Z

    What is that?! Help me please.

    This was the first time I have seen.
  11. Z

    What is that?! Help me please.

    Wow! Thank you so much. I have learnt a lot with these few lines. I definitely will follow your advice. However let me justify my mixed tank. I started in the hobby just before Christmas in 2019, so it is 1 year and 3 months. My test fish was two platies (I got the biggest two in the...
  12. Z

    What is that?! Help me please.

    Hi guys, I'm new in the hobby and when I turn on the lights on my tank this night I've seen for the first time these creatures, looks like baby spiders but it is not possible in the water. I have a FW tropical tank 180L. I have one betta who nowadays spend most of the time laying on the bottom...
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