Search results

  1. Kat1053

    Rasbora or danio?

    How many chilis would you recommend for my tank? I wouldn’t mind having maybe some cherry shrimp a little down the road or maybe another nerite snail (I have one in my beta tank) I’m open to suggestions for different combos :)
  2. Kat1053

    Rasbora or danio?

    Okay good to know, I’ll for sure stick with rasboras haha, the filter is one of those that hang of the side of the tank and make a little waterfall, I might be able to tie a bit of sponge around where the water comes out to buffer it a little.
  3. Kat1053

    Rasbora or danio?

    Thanks for the info! I’ve never had schooling fish before since I just have the one betta, do schooling fish actively breed? If so do you have to do anything like remove them to another tank like I wouldn’t know what to do haha I don’t really want a ton of baby fish haha, should I just get females?
  4. Kat1053

    Rasbora or danio?

    My tap water is usually pretty soft, do you think the current of the filter will bother them? It’s kind of a strong flow which is why I was originally looking at zebra danios because apparently they like the current but I’m not too sure, everyone’s been suggesting rasboras over the danios though.
  5. Kat1053

    Rasbora or danio?

    Hi everyone! I’m kind of new to fish keeping I currently have a male betta fish and a zebra snail in a 5 gallon tank and I’m in the process of cycling a 10 gallon but I can’t decide wether to get galaxy rasboras or maybe zebra danios, the filter I have for the 10gal has a bit of a current and my...
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  7. Kat1053

    Ammonia API test problem?

    Okay yeah it came out yellow like it’s supposed to, thanks so much ahah
  8. Kat1053

    Ammonia API test problem?

    Oh I didn’t realize you were supposed to be together i put the #1 and #2 in different vials oops I’ll do it again
  9. Kat1053

    Ammonia API test problem?

    Yeah both came out clear like that I just only put one in the photos, should I just try to re do the test?
  10. Kat1053

    Ammonia API test problem?

    Hi :) I just recently got a betta fish and I had been using the test strips to test the water because that was all I could afford but I just bought the API master tester kit and nitrate and nitrite came out perfect but the ammonia water was clear? The only options are yellow to green so does...
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  14. Kat1053

    Potential erratic swimming in betta fish?

    Ooh okay I looked into snails but I heard they can take over your tank ahaha but I guess if I get one I’d be safe, thanks again for all your help!!
  15. Kat1053

    Potential erratic swimming in betta fish?

    Thanks for the advice! My coworker used to have African dwarf frogs as tank mates for their betta but I’m not sure if I’ve decided on those I’d keep them alone in the 5 gallon tank but I might end up getting a couple guppies or something. also just wanted to ask your opinion on cherry shrimp as...
  16. Kat1053

    Potential erratic swimming in betta fish?

    Thanks so much for everyone’s help! You’re all so nice! I just want to make sure he has the best life possible haha
  17. Kat1053

    Potential erratic swimming in betta fish?

    There aren’t any loud noises other than the sound of the filter which isn’t too bad, I used to have one of those waterfall filters but I quickly switched it out for a sponge filter when I saw he was getting pushed around a lot by it, I put the sponge filter in for about a day before I took the...
  18. Kat1053

    Potential erratic swimming in betta fish?

    Sometimes he does but usually only when I’m trying to take pictures of him hahah he doesn’t like my phone I guess
  19. Kat1053

    Potential erratic swimming in betta fish?

    Yeah, I don’t have a background on the tank, I put some of my extra plants behind the tank temporarily to help him feel like he has more plant coverage but what would you suggest for a background? I plan on getting some floating live plants maybe some water spangles? Or maybe amazon frogbit, I...
  20. Kat1053

    Potential erratic swimming in betta fish?

    I use the test strips to test the water but I know they’re not entirely accurate, on my next paycheck I’m going to buy the liquid tester master pack or whatever it’s called so I can be a little more accurate haha
  21. Kat1053

    Potential erratic swimming in betta fish?

    Yes those are both near nothing as far as I can tell, the alkalinity might be a tiny little bit low but according to what I’ve read online it doesn’t harm the fish, I’ll keep an eye on him anyways and watch out for any other concerning behaviour I’ve only had him for like a week
  22. Kat1053

    Potential erratic swimming in betta fish?

    I bought a beta fish about a week ago and he’s doing very well other than this one swimming pattern I’ve noticed. he’ll go to one side or corner of the tank and go side to side quite quickly along the glass, I know that erratic swimming can be a sign of bad water quality but ive been testing the...
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  26. Kat1053

    How should I go about switching to a new filter?

    I can’t do that because it’s a completely different type of filter it’s like 1/4 of the size unfortunately
  27. Kat1053

    How should I go about switching to a new filter?

    So I just bought a betta but the filter that I have is quite strong and I noticed the fish is getting pushed around quite a bit (it’s one of those ones where there’s a little waterfall going into the tank) so I put a little sponge in the outflow but so the flow is slowed a bit and ran to the...
  28. Kat1053

    Introduction post :)

    Hello! I just joined this forum so I’m making a little introduction post, I just got a betta fish so I thought it might be useful to join a forum like this. I have had fish growing up but most of them didn’t live long because I was like 6 and my mom didn’t really do her research. Now I’m older...