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  1. Advanced Aquarist

    Aquascaper 600

    I suspect that limnophila is a hyper accumulator. It takes in heavy metals easily (like Blyxa Japonica). It's not suppose to, but it does as some sort of "defence" mechanism. When people grow it with excessive dosing it reacts and colours up in all sorts of unnatural shades and people think this...
  2. Advanced Aquarist

    Aquascaper 600

    Where did you get this idea from? I heard it from a lot of people and I never could see the sense of it considering these people also advocate excess doesn't cause algae. By admitting to this you've indirectly confirm that some fast uptake of whatever nutrients it is, is required. Is that not...
  3. Advanced Aquarist

    Planted tank for tetras (slow burn)

    About 2 months in I decided to get 4 Corydoras Duplicareus and 5 Corydoras Concolor to keep my 7 Corydoras Rio Nanay happy. The Rio Nanay corys I never saw during the day time. All they did was come out at night to feed and I had to use a flashlight to see them during the dark hours. By adding...
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  12. Advanced Aquarist

    Planted tank for tetras (slow burn)

    This was the tank in the early stages and I needed to do a trimming session. As you can see the moss did start to grow on the wood more. Some of the plants were getting out of hand so out came the scissors. I had some Rotola Macranda and I didn't like it that much, but recently it's starting...
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  19. Advanced Aquarist

    What is causing this algae?

    Yes, Excel will kill it. However if everything remains the same it will come back and you will have to continually dose Excel to keep it in check. This is not really a permanent fix since it requires constant Excel dosing. Delicate plants and mosses do not like Excel at all. Another way is to...
  20. Advanced Aquarist

    What is causing this algae?

    What a lot of people don't get is that nutrient toxicity works by the mechanism of relative concentrations. This is the source of the problem, and is the reason that the conclusion of this post is the way it is. This is a very important point that I was only aware of last year, and it was by...
  21. Advanced Aquarist

    What is causing this algae?

    I don't have BBA at all. That sounds pretty arrogant, but it's the truth. The reason I don't have it is because I've addressed the source of the cause of it: excessive micro nutrients. It's got nothing to do with organics and everything to do with your water parameters. Hence for a quick...
  22. Advanced Aquarist

    Planted tank for tetras (slow burn)

    The major problem with a powerfilter is that it does not lend itself to automation like a roller mat filter. Also having it on the intake of the pump means that as it gets clogged the resistance will increase on the pump and thereby reducing the flow. Hence pump strength needs to be increased...
  23. Advanced Aquarist

    Planted tank for tetras (slow burn)

    So what is a PowerFilter? In my planted tank system I initially wanted to have an automated roller mat filter since I like it to be low maintenance. But as luck would have it I was reading some other hobbyist's reefing blog and came upon someone who had an amazing collection of reef tanks that...
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  29. Advanced Aquarist

    Planted tank for tetras (slow burn)

    Note: There are people on other forums I rather NOT give this information to due to the disgusting way they've had me banned for telling the truth, but in the interests of the hobby and most of the beginners here I'll make it available. What is a PowerFilter? I've mentioned "soft" forcing and...
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