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  1. QiQi

    Honey gourami breeding questions.

    UPDATE: I moved them to the main tank 6 days ago since there was no breeding. 20 minutes ago, she followed him twice under the nest and they ''hugged''. She didn't release any eggs, but I think it is finally happening and might have babies very soon??.
  2. QiQi

    male betta aggressive towards females & only 1 tank

    If underwater rabbits existed we would be doomed ??
  3. QiQi

    male betta aggressive towards females & only 1 tank

    It is what it is now, just keep up with big water changes and try to divide the tank and separate him, or move him to a bowl as others suggested. In the meantime you could post an ad to rehome some of them and see how it goes, there is nothing to lose if you try :)
  4. QiQi

    male betta aggressive towards females & only 1 tank

    10 gallons for 5 bettas and tetras. That's quite overstocked right now. Is there any way you can return the 4 female bettas? Also I would start doing 60-70% water change every 2 days minimum, since there are a lot of fish for the size of the tank and see how the tetras start doing. You could...
  5. QiQi

    male betta aggressive towards females & only 1 tank

    How big is the tank? Is it tall or long? Did you cycle it? I assume none of the fish have been quarantined, did you notice any signs of illness like white spots or white growths on any of the fish, or springy poo, bloating? Do you know the parameters of the water you use and test the water in...
  6. QiQi

    Honey gourami breeding questions.

    The sponge filter was in the main tank for a few weeks so the QT was pretty much instantly cycled and I pick up the waste and uneaten food with a turkey blaster daily, plus the honeys are pretty small and don't produce a lot of waste. I also add some seachem stability for 7 days.
  7. QiQi

    Honey gourami breeding questions.

    Correct. I had no issues so far, I test the water every 2 days.
  8. QiQi

    Honey gourami breeding questions.

    I remineralize RO water for the main and the QT tank, so they are pretty much the same, I do a 40% water change the main tank every 7-10 days and a 30% on the QT every week if I have fish in it, if not, then I store it away, sterilize the sponge filter and seed it in the main tank in case I...
  9. QiQi

    Honey gourami breeding questions.

    I am excited and scared at the same time :D :eek:
  10. QiQi

    Honey gourami breeding questions.

    I think by the time they are ready to spawn and the fry to hatch/free swim, the quarantine will be over, I will move the adults to the main tank and leave the fry in the quarantine tank.
  11. QiQi

    Honey gourami breeding questions.

    Another update: The female is more brave and swimming around, the male spends most of his day staring at the bubble nest. The last hour though, I've noticed the biggest change in their behaviour. The male is getting close, flaring and wiggling his tail at her and trying to make her chase him...
  12. QiQi

    Honey gourami breeding questions.

    I don't have a net, but I can get one if he gets more aggressive. She doesn't look stressed, she is just swimming away, ignoring him and does her own thing ? ?. They are very fun to watch, to me it looks like this, Male: ''Hey girl, I am so strong and handsome, check those fins.'' Female: '' I...
  13. QiQi

    Honey gourami breeding questions.

    Another update!!!! He is still chasing her once in a while, but she is not swimming away immediately, he also tries to go closer and wiggles his tail.
  14. QiQi

    Anyone have experience with an aggressive goldfish?

    My ex landlord had a common goldfish and a weather loach (pretty much an inch each fish) in a 28L and the goldfish was picking on the loach till it died. I took her with me when I moved out and upgraded to a 70L (the best I could do at the time) and I kept her alone, she grew to about 7inches...
  15. QiQi

    Honey gourami breeding questions.

    No, but they don't look skinny or obese. :)
  16. QiQi

    Honey gourami breeding questions.

    Oh, sorry! I miss-typed it. I meant weight.
  17. QiQi

    Honey gourami breeding questions.

    They look pretty healthy to me, so maybe 2 weeks total. I got them last Friday, so 10 more days left. Their waste looks normal, no nipped fins or fin rot, no external parasites and their wight and colours are normal too.
  18. QiQi

    Honey gourami breeding questions.

    Well, the bubble nests are gone and he has chased her away a couple of times. They are both around 1.1inch, maybe they are not ready yet and I panicked for no reason. He is still trying to make bubbles and gets frustrated a bit. They should be okay in the main 18g though once I move them in 10...
  19. QiQi

    Honey gourami breeding questions.

    He is just putting a few bubbles in each leaf ??. I don't know if that's what they are supposed to do but the bubble best doesn't look like the ones my Betta was making. These are the best pictures I could take since he doesn't stand still. Even before I added the floaters, there were tiny...
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  22. QiQi

    Honey gourami breeding questions.

    Update: I added some floating plants. His bubble nest is small and messy, maybe he is young and doesn't know how to make a proper one yet?? He moves the bubble nest under the leaves now and I noticed some bubbles are more opaque. Could these be eggs?
  23. QiQi

    Honey gourami breeding questions.

    She definitely has a brown horizontal stripe on each side and the tips of her fins are red. Haven't seen them spawn yet.
  24. QiQi

    Honey gourami breeding questions.

    It is just a glass 10gal bare bottom with a seeded sponge filter, heater and a couple of hides.
  25. QiQi

    Honey gourami breeding questions.

    Great, thank you for the help!
  26. QiQi

    Honey gourami breeding questions.

    I turned the lights off so I can't take pictures right now, so I will provide web pictures of their colours. Temp is 26 Celcius. I was asking if I should move the adults, so they dont eat the eggs. I read that they are too small to eat BBS till they are 2 weeks old. Is that true?
  27. Honey Gourami 1.jpg

    Honey Gourami 1.jpg

  28. QiQi

    Honey gourami breeding questions.

    So…uhm… This happened… After my betta passed away I decided to get a pair of honey gouramis (wild colouration) for my main 18gal and keep the small planted tank for the next potential betta. The honeys are in the quarantine tank atm, they look super healthy. The male is on full breeding dressing...
  29. QiQi

    Betta sick again.

    Update: They last 2 days he was not doing well, he stopped eating, he was really lethargic, and his face swell a lot again. I started an antibacterial treatment with esha 2000 this time, I. Found him dead an hour ago. I am devastated. I knew that he had health issues when I got him, but I still...
  30. QiQi

    Betta sick again.

    I thought that too but it is not getting smaller, in fact it was a small patch around the bump and now it's half his face, unless all that area was damaged and now its showing signs, either way he got the bump for a 3rd time, so there must be something causing it. :/:/ The swelling and the bump...
  31. QiQi

    Betta sick again.

    I am really not sure what's going on either, he definitely had it already when I bought him, and when I quarantine I have separate equipment and decor nets etc that are not being used in the main tank. I also made sure to buy waterlife products for his treatment since the pet shops I bought...
  32. QiQi

    Betta sick again.

    But I am not sure what that patch is, it's not slimy, so I thought it could be healing tissue, but maybe its the opposite and it's eating up the skin? I really don't know what this is and rather than that he is doing great, proper weight, zooming around etc.
  33. QiQi

    Betta sick again.

    The swelling and the bump, yes, but not the grey patch on his face.
  34. QiQi

    Betta sick again.

    Update: There is still some swelling, and the grey patch hasn't improved at all. Should I continue the salt dips or try again with antiparasitic or antibacterial /antifungal? Is there anything else I can do? I definitely know that the swelling will start blocking his mouth and gill in the future...
  35. QiQi

    Is this normal betta behavior?

    I feed omega sea pellets too. I taught mine to come close to me to the surface when I double tap the glass and I feed one pellet at a time (drop it in front of his face), I feed him 5 in the morning and 5 in the evening. I started with waiting in front of the aquarium when it was feeding time...
  36. QiQi

    Betta sick again.

    I also want to add that he already had curled fins when I bought him, looks like it was fin rot or he got injured and they healed curly, but I can only assume since he was already in that state when I got him.
  37. QiQi

    Betta sick again.

    This is the tank (excuse the algae, it is maintenance day tomorrow) And here is the fish, these are the best pictures I could take. The swelling went down quite a bit, a bit visible on the first picture, in front of his left eye that looks like a bump. On the secon picture you can see better...
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