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  1. Weimy

    New Interest, Old Tank.

    I think I've decided on this and for the sake of peace of mind at 3 am in the mornings, I'm going to go for a new tank. Looks like it will be the Aquavogue 245. :good:
  2. Weimy

    New Interest, Old Tank.

    Thanks. I hadn't considered leaving the old silicone in place, I was thinking of stripping it all down and replacing it. That makes sense though and I will have a look later at some YouTube vids. Got me thinking now.:good:
  3. Weimy

    New Interest, Old Tank.

    Thank you. Those are my thoughts too. Absolutely. ? I did consider re sealing it but I'm like you, I don't think I'd sleep too well. It's worth me looking into though.
  4. Weimy

    New Interest, Old Tank.

    Hi all, first proper post. :kana: I've returned to fishkeeping after quite a long sabbatical. I say 'returned' but I have kept 2 small tanks running during that time. I'm hoping soon to set up an aquarium for planted discus. I have a bit of a dilemma though. I have an old Aqua Medic tank...
  5. Weimy


    Hi all. As the title suggests, I have kept fish previously, from about 1994 until 2011. Our Daughter was then born and parenthood became the thing and my fish tanks got taken down and stored. I did though keep a small ish FW community set up running (Aqua One 620T) and also a nano FO saltwater...