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  1. emma12321

    Whoa! Not Good! - Got Virus From This Site!

    my computers knackered too unfortunatly i don't have the funds for someone to fix it :(
  2. emma12321

    Eggs On Glass

    sounds like cory eggs, when mine lay eggs i roll them off with my finger and float them in a plastic tub with an airstone in the main tank they hatch in about 4 days
  3. emma12321

    Can Anyone Recommend A Good Sand?

    I've just changed a 4 ft over from gravel to sand, i used argos and never washed it just lowered it into the water carefully and its was slightly cloudy but could still see the fish swimming about, completely clear next day, avoid BnM sand, its full of bits and really dirty i'm gonna chuck mine...
  4. emma12321

    Big Cory

    bronze corys get closer to 3 inches than 2 i have one thats at least 12 year old and is huge next to the rest of the corys edit. and yes its a cory not a brochis before someone say it
  5. emma12321

    Yoyo Loaches

    nope they get too big and need to be in groups
  6. emma12321

    Anyone Know Anthing About Yellow Rainbow Fish

    they should also be in groups of 6+ so wouldn't recommend it rainbows are a very active fish i have boesmani, blue, red and parkinsoni rainbows in my 5 ft tank and they are never still.
  7. emma12321

    Injured Pleco

    i recommend the lobsters get their own tank because its only a matter of time before hey kill everything in the tank
  8. emma12321

    Proven Breeding Pair Of Sturisoma Aff Festivum (Hull)

    which area of hull are you from so i can multimap it :hey:
  9. emma12321

    Bought A 2Nd Hand Biorb

    if you don't mind seeing a small filter in the tank i would get rid of all the crap on the bottom and the filter that comes with it and then you use your own filter, can use sand, plants and have fish that like it on the bottome of the tank, pygmy corys swim around as much as they stay on the...
  10. emma12321

    My Juwel 180....

    great pics any full tank shots ?
  11. emma12321

    Tetra Shoaling

    i have about 16 of each in a 5ft tank and they don't mix they stick to their own shoals :good:
  12. emma12321

    Chinese Hi-Fin (Hi Fin) Banded Shark

    don't think these are allowed to be inported into the UK now they look like a giant poo when fully grown so pretty nice fish as youngsters
  13. emma12321

    Svas Auction This Sunday 27Th March In Rotherham

    FISH SHOW AND AUCTION To be held at: Reach (Ferham) Ltd opposite St Pauls Church Masborough off Devonshire Street Rotherham South Yorkshire S61 1BD Benching 11.30 - 1 Auction and judging 1.30 for further info
  14. emma12321

    Is It Just Me Thats This Sad?

    the one on embarassing bodies pees me off the most, a biorb stuffed to the brim with big goldfish
  15. emma12321

    Pitbull Plecos And Amazon Swords

    :blink: i have 6 pitbulls in a planted tank and they don't touch mine either
  16. emma12321

    Hi Is There A Ciciled That Gets Along With Barbs

    i keep keyhole cichlids and thomasi cichlids with barbs no problems also kept kribs and rams with them before and angel fish oh and checkerboard cichlids
  17. emma12321

    Anyone Else Have Basset Hounds?

    A friend of mine has a westie that gets bad dry skin and she was advised to use sudocrem so it might be worth a try :)
  18. emma12321

    ? Albino Frog ?

    they generally grow as big as your fist and eat small fish, theres loads of info in the amphibian section about these, dwarf frogs generally aren't available in albino so these will be clawed frogs
  19. emma12321

    I Guess My Apple Snail Is Pomacea Canaliculata...

    they will eat absolutely anything green i had loads of these snails a few years back if you weight lettuce down they might go for that before your plants but even the tough plants get eaten eventually. I can spot these snails a mile away now by the shell they have much less of a point than the...
  20. emma12321

    Fish That Should Not Be Put In Heavily Planted Tanks?

    never had an oto do any damage to my plants either. I'd say large plecs just for the damage they do moving aorund in the plants they get uprooted
  21. emma12321

    8Ft X 4Ft X 1.5Ft Fish Tank

    Whats happening to all the clown loach ?
  22. emma12321

    Whole Tank Died Over Night! :( :(

    sounds like anerobic gasses released from he sand when you pulled roots out. sand should'nt be any deeper than an inch and should be stirred regularly to prevent gasses building up sorry for your losses.
  23. emma12321

    Are These Legal?

    agreed with davo theres even an article just out in practical fish keeping about them
  24. emma12321

    Java Fern

    jave ferns will rot if the roots are planted, they are supposed to be tied to woods/rocks/decorations with the roots exposed
  25. emma12321

    Clown Pleco?

    i have 4 clowns in a 4ft tank with breeding bristlenose plecs and they are all out all the time. It depends why you want a plec, clowns don't touch algae and need bogwood to rasp bn plecs love algae
  26. emma12321

    Pleco Id

    planet catfish has it down at 12"
  27. emma12321

    Hey, Hobbyist With A View To Possibly Become A Breeder

    Hi, biorbs are unsuitable for bottom dwelling fish due to the crappy filter rocks on the bottom, sharks are not an option in a tank so small. Apple snails lay eggs above water and you need a male and female to breed them so you can avoid population explosions. The tetras will most likely eat any...
  28. emma12321

    Golden Wcmm

    females generally have bigger bellys lol but if you're looking at young fish then they all look pretty much the same
  29. emma12321

    Grape Vine Safe?

    i had it in my tank for about 2 years but it eventually rots still its generally cheaper than bogwood to replace and it looks great with java moss growing on it.
  30. emma12321

    Another Leaking Tetratec Ex1200 :(

    i have mine stood in a big plastic tub now since it ruined the bottom of the cabinet, it generally leaks for a week after cleaning then works fine so i'm ok with the tub solution for now
  31. emma12321

    Juwel Rio 240 Or Fluval 240

    I find juwel filters perfectly fine for an average community tank i have added an tetratec ex1200 to my rio 400 as additional filteration as it has large clown loach that like to stir up the sand and the water wasn't always crystal clear with just the juwel filter
  32. emma12321

    Albino Bristlenose With 2 Bristles Male/female ?

    if adult females have bristles they just tend to be round the edge of the nose and not up the middle, i used to have a big female that was almost as bristlie as a male
  33. emma12321

    Keeping Fry In A 1 Gallon Tank

    i found fry grow faster when they have more space (bn plecs and platy anyway) if you do lots of water changes a small tank shouldn't be a problem for tiny fry
  34. emma12321

    Juwel Rio 240 Or Fluval 240

    I'd go with Juwel every time, i have a rio 400 and 2 vision 180s love em
  35. emma12321

    Sulawesi Yellow Rabbit Snails

    just to bring an old post back from the dead does anyone keep these and do they eat live plant? my friend is selling loads at £2.50 can they be kept with apple snails?
  36. emma12321

    Lump On Ratty?

    as i said in my earlier post rats in general are great with anaesthetic just depends on the type of tumour if it grows back and sometimes they grow back within weeks other times they are removed and gone for good. If he's not himself it could well be malignant and he could have secondaries...
  37. emma12321

    Suitable For Cherries?

    i'd go for tank 2 tho the bettas will most likely eat them, my shrimp are just in a 2ft tank with some wild guppies, pygmy corys, weizmani corys and bristlenose plecs,i think i would get more babies if i took the bigger corys out
  38. emma12321

    Major Revamp On Discus Tank

    from experience... its alot easier for her to forgive you then to get permission. :lol: haha this is the reason i'm now single, tho i did manage to keep a tank in the spare foom for 5 months before he spotted it. Some people just don't like fish and now i live on my own i have 11 tanks set...
  39. emma12321

    If There Were No Fish In There.... What Would Your Hobby Be?

    Guineapigs :) and other furries been looking at 2 rescue rats today but they not available until tomorrow so if they are still there when i finish work :hey: more pets down to 10 guineapigs and 2 rabbits now lost a couple of oldies over the winter
  40. emma12321

    5Ft Juwel Rio 400 Which Pump / Filter To Get?

    i have the original filter running plus a tetratec ex1200 on mine