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    Pea Puffer Behavior

    So they might be working on mating... The new one that I'm assuming to be female is still pretty little though. Either they're going to be really good friends or life-long mates. Im happy with either haha. Thank you!
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    Pea Puffer Behavior

    I agree that they are the coolest fish. Both of mine swim up to the glass when I get home and go to check on them and seem to evaluate me. The male sleeps upright behind the filter, which looks so strange and uncomfortable, but his bedtime is 7:00 pm and every night he tucks himself back there...
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    Pea Puffer Behavior

    I do clean their tank once a week and they get some bloodworms (I put 2 in at a time and they each grab one - unless they want the same one and do the "lady and the tramp" thing and kiss in the middle) every day at varying times to give them some variety in their day. If they get picky about the...
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    Pea Puffer Behavior

    Hello, Just to preface, I have had one pea puffer, named Peewee, for over a month. I began to notice the dark line on his belly and the wrinkles behind his eyes. I know for sure he is a male. So, about 2 weeks ago, I decided that I wanted to get him a friend. I got another pea puffer, named...
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    Tiny White/Clear organisms in my snail breeding tank

    Detritus worm would make sense. When I had the snails in there I fed them dead and decaying leaves from my live plants. I left some in the container for when the snails hatched. Thank you!
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    Tiny White/Clear organisms in my snail breeding tank

    So I have a little pea puffer and so I have started breeding my snails. I have a mixture of mini ramshorns, pond, bladder, and Malaysian trumpets. I got all of them except the mini ramshorns from pet stores. Now, I haven't been feeding the snails to the pea puffer yet since I don't have a big...
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    Male Platy is hiding from the rest of his tank mates

    It's brand new and I have been shaking it really well before using it. I might just not be reading it right. I'll figure it out, thank you.
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    Male Platy is hiding from the rest of his tank mates

    Interesting. Maybe I'm just reading the test wrong? We've never had problems with the water before but I will be looking into it.
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    Leopard Danio Breeding HELP!!!

    Thank you. I woke up this morning to a few eggs in the bottom of the breeder, which is so cool! The female still looks a little fat so I'm going to leave them in a bit longer. And I was pretty sure about the zebras and leopards being the same species. I originally got 3 leopards and 3 zebras so...
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    Leopard Danio Breeding HELP!!!

    I knew they were supposed to be in groups- I got a total of 6 originally but one died the same day I took it home... I just didn't know each species was different. When doing research on the fish I saw that they were the same but just different patterns. I'll have to look more into it. I put the...
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    Male Platy is hiding from the rest of his tank mates

    I thought it was 80ppm but my dad thought it was 160ppm. And it is well water
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    Leopard Danio Breeding HELP!!!

    I have a total of 5 danios- 3 zebras and 2 leopards. I think I have 2 females (I didn't really try to figure it out when I got them because I didn't know they would spawn so quickly) but I know for sure that one is heavily pregnant. I think she is going to spawn tomorrow but she is in a 29...
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    Male Platy is hiding from the rest of his tank mates

    But the problem is that I have nitrates in my "clean" water. If I do was water change I'm still putting nitrates in there. I don't know if there is a product I can use in my clean water to reduce nitrates before putting it into my tank. And I agree, they could still be stressed and not showing...
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    Male Platy is hiding from the rest of his tank mates

    Update: I tested water directly from the source and it was showing 160+ ppm of nitrates! How should I reduce that? I have an Aqueon 20 filter and I am unsure how to put nitrate-reducing media in there. Obviously, the plants are using the nitrates to get them down to about 80ppm- should I just...
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    Should I get an assassin snail for mini ramshorns?

    I w I would have gotten multiple of them but they were too young to sex and I didn't want any problems or fights to happen. I figured I am safer with one- I named him/her Peewee.
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    Should I get an assassin snail for mini ramshorns?

    Thank you for responding, I ended up getting a pea puffer and hand-collected as many snails as possible and he loves them... so much in fact now I'm trying to breed the snails I was so worried about containing haha. I probably had about 50 snails that I collected and after one day there were...
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    Male Platy is hiding from the rest of his tank mates

    I only have live plants and have been steadily adding more and more to the tank. My goal is to have a heavily planted tank when I'm finished. My filter lights up when it needs to be changed and I have the little aqueon ammonia reducer pad in there too. I don't think I overfeed the fish since...
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    Male Platy is hiding from the rest of his tank mates

    I ended up getting a water test kit last week and When I did a test on 1/17 I got a pH of 8.2, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, and Nitrate 80. I did another test today and got the exact same readings. The platy did pass away a couple of days ago. I am not sure how to lower the nitrate levels and the API...
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    Male Platy is hiding from the rest of his tank mates

    I just finished the test and these were my results: Nitrate: 40ppm Nitrite: .5ppm gH: 75ppm (soft) kH: 300ppm pH: 8.4 (very alkaline) What should I do to remedy these things if they are not good enough? I really love my fish and I want to makes sure I give them the best care possible :)
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    Male Platy is hiding from the rest of his tank mates

    We have a water softener in the basement as well. So the water we use is soft. I'll do a test right now and post a picture
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    Male Platy is hiding from the rest of his tank mates

    I currently don't have a water test kit but I do have some of the Tetra strips. I want to get a water test kit but would I have to buy a new one every time I want to use it or is it reusable? Also, what does Gh stand for? I live in the country and so we get our water from a well. I still use a...
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    Should I get an assassin snail for mini ramshorns?

    I have a 29 gallon that recently had an outbreak of mini ramshorn snails. I think I have plucked out all of the ones that were big enough to see but I am assuming they are still in there. I don't mind the snails at all, I just don't want them to get out of hand. I am worried about feeding less...
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    New Tank

    I know Mr Clean works wonders but I'm not sure if there is any sort of toxin that it would release once you filled it up. I haven't had any experience with either solution. If there's algae stuck on the sides that won't come off maybe try wetting a razor blade and scraping it off. When I do...
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    Beta community tank ideas?

    I have had success with my betta with khuli loaches and cory cats. Mine is very peaceful and doesn't go after the bottom feeders. If you're putting a betta in with other community fish I would at least recommend adding plenty of plants and hiding places and to get fish that are not as colorful...
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    Plant Suggestions

    If you want to have plants near the surface but floating plants don't work for you, I bought suction cups with zip ties off of amazon and I attached a variety of different anubias to them and put them on the side of the tank. My betta LOVES to hide behind the leaves and he likes to sit on them...
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    Tetra pregnant?

    It could be egg bound. I don't know all that much about tetras but during research surrounding what tetra eggs look like, I read that tetras don't give birth as they are not livebearers and they only lay eggs. She might have unfertilized eggs inside her. I am not 100% sure though. I hope it does...
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    White blobs on new lava rock

    I had something similar to this on my spider wood when I first put it into my tank. It went away after a few weeks and didn't seem to affect my fish. I saw somewhere that cory catfish would eat it. It might be a type of fungus? I am not 100% sure though.
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    Betta fish aren’t starter pets ?

    My betta really loves my live plants as he sits on the leaves. I purchased suction cups with zip ties from amazon and attached them to Anubis plants to hang on the side of the tank (which he absolutely loves). I also know that they enjoy hiding and since you do have 2 females in there I would...
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    Male Platy is hiding from the rest of his tank mates

    I have a total of 9 plattys, 2 males and 7 females. The one male is blue and the other is orange and both seem to not like being around the females and other fish in the tank. The blue is newer than the orange and when I first got the orange he stayed away from the rest of the group and now he...
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