Search results

  1. jams

    Established neons wiped out by addition of new neons

    More than likely the new additions were already sick and carried some thing in. Sadly, most of us have had to learn the hard way about "Quarantining". I "Quarantine" anything including plants and hardscape at least 2-4 weeks and monitor before they enter my existing tanks. And yes some keepers...
  2. jams

    Electric blue Acaras. Male protecting the fry?

    Just a theory, might be you moved them to soon, extra stress? I have never used a basket, as mentioned I had at least one parent with the fry free swimming in the tank. The fry do learn from the parent and I found a well seasoned tank has all kinds of micro goodies for them to eat. Just a few...
  3. jams

    Electric blue Acaras. Male protecting the fry?

    EBA my 2nd favorite fish. Kept and assisted them for a few years, raised hundreds. Had two pairs at one point but as mentioned this can happen. Actually had the same scenario, everything fine then the male banished the female to the other side of the tank. He eventually started getting very...
  4. EBA Parents.jpg

    EBA Parents.jpg

  5. EBA pair with swimmers 41721.jpg

    EBA pair with swimmers 41721.jpg

  6. EBA Brood  1.jpg

    EBA Brood 1.jpg

  7. EBA Brood 333019.jpg

    EBA Brood 333019.jpg

  8. jams

    Murder Mystery: Fish deaths after water change

    Tough to figure out the culprit. A couple of years back, I did my weekly 50% water changes on my tank 55 Planted community. Everything went normally but then about 1-2 hours later noticed everyone gasping at the surface. Without testing I immediately did another 50% water change. Everyone...
  9. jams

    Red Tiger Zenkeri Lotus

    Looks Good! RTL my 2nd favorite plant. Here is a pic of mine in a 55g. Just a word of caution, they do develop long roots and can take over a tank. Started with two bulbs have since sold more than a dozen. They do send off surface shooters, I just trimmed the stem close to the bulb to coax into...
  10. RTL Bush.jpg

    RTL Bush.jpg

  11. RTL in 55g.jpg

    RTL in 55g.jpg

  12. jams

    Cichlid tank-substrate and background?

    Still consider myself a novice, only 5 years keeping "Wet Pets". Started keeping "Africans" a few years back. Did my research and received quite a bit of good advise. Dark substrate (Mix of African cichlid sand -helped maintain higher pH and Black diamond sand) Dark Background Rock scape with...
  13. African 55 71121.jpg

    African 55 71121.jpg

  14. jams

    African Caving/Spelunking

    Aulonocara jacobfreibergi Otter Point I have been keeping the boys/girls separated. I did have some OB offspring but, they did not last long with the other tank mates.
  15. jams

    African Caving/Spelunking

    During water change last Sunday, was able to catch this guy in the act. The hole diameter is a bit less than a half dollar piece.
  16. jams

    How to correctly introduce valisneria and ludwigia into rift lake cichlid tank?

    Agree, LOL I have been keeping Africans for a couple of years now, even though most research and keepers have little to no success with plants. I have tried quite a few times. 1. They will uproot them, even with a rock barriers. 2. They will snack on them I may try again using pots ? Good Luck
  17. jams

    Aquarium Maintenance Routines?

    Even after 5 years keeping "Wet Pets" still consider myself a "Newbie" compared to most. After the first year of testing weekly decided it was not needed since I noticed no changes, well except nitrates would increase. Now test only when starting a "New" build. I always do 50% water change...
  18. jams

    Favorite quotes or sayings

    "Patience Young Grasshopper" from the show "Kung Fu" years ago. I use it in my signature...
  19. jams

    Who sits and just watches their tank for extended periods?

    Watching my tanks, best stress reliever. Should do it more often, but...
  20. jams

    Clown Loach growth rate?

    It may have been mentioned on other threads, but... Clown Loach playing opossum Last night looked over at the tank and there was a Clown laying almost upside down, not moving at all. Got up to check and still no movement. My first thought was "Oh! No". About 30 seconds watching and then it swam...
  21. jams

    Shrimp with angel fish?

    When I started, I had two Amanos in a 55g community with Black Skirts Tetras, Bolivians and Peppered corys. They were always out and scavenging. Fast forward decided to add some juvenile Angels. No problem but as the Angels grew after a few months the Amanos started hiding. Eventually, I could...
  22. jams

    Red tiger lotus, trim or no.

    RTL one of my favorites. A few years back started with two bulbs. As mentioned, trimming the shooters will help it become more bushy. They propagated so well, I had them in all my tanks (6), even started selling them. Good Luck!
  23. Planted 55g.jpg

    Planted 55g.jpg

  24. RTL Bush.jpg

    RTL Bush.jpg

  25. RTL in 55g.jpg

    RTL in 55g.jpg

  26. watching.jpg


  27. Clap.jpg


  28. jams

    For you, which are the easiest to breed in captivity aquarium fish species (freshwater & brackish)?

    Breeding? Well, I stumbled into assisting "Mother Nature" and my fish, since I had no idea what I was doing at the time. My first pair were Bolivian Rams, they did all the work. It took a bit of researching, learning and guidance from actual breeders. I eventually got fairly good at it. Raised...
  29. Bolivian Pair.jpg

    Bolivian Pair.jpg

  30. Bolivian Ram Brood.jpg

    Bolivian Ram Brood.jpg

  31. EBA pair with swimmers 41721.jpg

    EBA pair with swimmers 41721.jpg

  32. EBA Parents.jpg

    EBA Parents.jpg

  33. jams

    Clown Loach growth rate?

    Got these in 2019 from a friend about 1.5". Now the largest is 4", the others range in size 2.5-3".
  34. Clown Loaches 52420.jpg

    Clown Loaches 52420.jpg

  35. jams

    Back to Africans, again.

    Well, no experience with Mbuna but I do keep Africans - Peacocks and Haps. I tried to remove the Alpha male a few times (timeout), but as mentioned the next in line just takes over. What to do? I put everyone back together, they have settled in. Now they take turns becoming the Alpha. Chasing...
  36. Africans.jpg


  37. jams

    Dream Plecos,

    Aquatic Arts
  38. jams

    Dream Plecos,

    I have a duo, a male for sure, fingers crossed the other is a female. If so hopefully they will eventually breed. Got them when they were about 1/2" about 2 years ago, now nearly 4". Time will tell.
  39. Starlight Plecos 2.jpg

    Starlight Plecos 2.jpg
