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  1. ember04

    Wild vs Domestic

    Yes I have thought I have always gone through reputable people so I can be sure I know what im getting also I tend to pick up so I can check teh species is correct
  2. ember04

    betta mahachaiensis

    i will do lights of at the moment also he's hiding behind the ludwigia but tomorrow ill try and grab some photos
  3. ember04

    betta mahachaiensis

    I got him today, He's really beautiful just drip aclamenting him now. Colours are really nice and he looks healthly
  4. ember04

    Remove silicone from glass?

    Yeah you could use a small craft knife or a box cutter and run that carefully along the glass to remove it I did that one a vivarium of mine
  5. ember04

    Cleaning advice?

    no like your process for cleaning the filter
  6. ember04

    Cleaning advice?

    I wouldn't take the ornaments out and rinse them as this can kill beneficial bacteria also try not to clean tank and filter all on the same day as this can remove to much of the beneficial bacteria How did you use to clean the tank filter in the past?
  7. ember04

    Murky water not going away, fish getting stressed & going to surface- help!

    yeah when first reading ops post ammonia burn sounded like the most obvious option to me
  8. ember04

    Murky water not going away, fish getting stressed & going to surface- help!

    mmh if test is all ok that's a little weird: Could send a photo and post your water paraterter
  9. ember04

    Plant ID

    Yeah thast the scientific name for lucky bamboo and well it can grow with its stem submerged but nit the leaves they should be submerges, in most case the plant will just slowly rot away and not grow proberblya nd then die making your water quality bad you can try but i wouldnt plant the leaves...
  10. ember04

    Plant ID

    ayy we said the same nice
  11. ember04

    Wild vs Domestic

    Not all though some wild bettas are a bit more aggressive and research on to each species is important Hope this helps Ember :)
  12. ember04

    Wild vs Domestic

    In reference to betta species I find the "wild" betta to live much longer the fancy tailed betta splendins in shops have a life span of "3-5 years" but most will never live that long. I find they are so prone to fin rot, tumour, swimming problems such as swim bladder issues and more than most...
  13. ember04

    Wild vs Domestic

    yeah, I tend to like wild strains of fish that are captive breed as they are pretty hardy, I find the more the fish are selective breed the weaker they are. As an example goldfish, I have a pond of the standard single-tailed comet and common goldfish and minus colour they have pretty much the...
  14. ember04

    Wild vs Domestic

    Which species of fish In general wild fish (not wild court but wild strains) tend to be hardier and live longer in my experience
  15. ember04

    Black lines/streak on goldfish going on 3 weeks

    Could be colouration of the fish it’s hard to tell from photos but my gold fish change colour as they age
  16. ember04

    Plant ID

    Looks a little bit like a lucky bamboo shoot
  17. ember04

    Random Discussion

    oh happy birthday, @Crispii hope you have a good day
  18. ember04

    Anybody know where to get Pygmy Sunfish UK?

    you may have a hard time finding a shop that could sell you these fish if you dont want to ship i doubt many shops would ever carrier them and i dont know of any breeders
  19. ember04

    Help with gender identification

    If they are a male and a female they will defiantly breed so if you don't want a pregnant fish then i don't think you will be fine. You could remove one and keep only one gender though it can be quite hard to sex young fish depending on how old the fish at your shop are. Is there a reason you...
  20. ember04

    A Dwarf Gourami friend?

    Sorry there I'm on really hard water so wouldnt be able to give any great recomendations