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  1. K

    Fin Rot or Fin Nipping?

    Thank you for all the information! There only other things in his tank are a plant and a filter, so noones been taking bites out of his fins despite the big chunks missing, unless he is biting himself. I will do a water change tonight and continue for the week to see if anything changes. Will it...
  2. K

    Fin Rot or Fin Nipping?

    Thank you! I will do a water change tonight!
  3. K

    Fin Rot or Fin Nipping?

    I will try a water change tonight!
  4. K

    Fin Rot or Fin Nipping?

    Any way to fix it without having a separate tank??
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    Fin Rot or Fin Nipping?

    My betta used to have such a beautiful billowing tail, but now it’s short with big chunks missing. A few weeks ago, he was not doing so well and so I put some catappa bark in his tank, and he has been doing so well since then! The water is very brown which you can see in the pictures, and the...
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  9. K

    Betta extremely lethargic and twitching? PLEASE HELP!

    He is much better! Seems to be fine! Not sure what was going on, because there has been no change in water temperature so I don’t think the temp was the issue. The bark made the water pretty dirty and clogged up my whole filter cartridge though, and they were all sold out in town of the size I...
  10. K

    Betta extremely lethargic and twitching? PLEASE HELP!

    Why was he fine for the first two months??? nothing has changed!
  11. K

    Betta extremely lethargic and twitching? PLEASE HELP!

    My gravel doesn’t look particularly dirty, but I was considered vacuuming it just to try. I want sure if that would harm him or not though, so I will try that if it is alright to do. I got my water checked again today and I hve no ammonia, no nitrates, and no nitrites. pH between 7.0 and 7.3
  12. K

    Betta extremely lethargic and twitching? PLEASE HELP!

    He still has not moved since I covered his tank, so i have not added any more food into his tank because I tried to put some in yesterday and he never moved to eat it. Should I try again? I don’t have any hides for him because his tank is only 1 gallon and I worry that if I add too much into...
  13. K

    Betta extremely lethargic and twitching? PLEASE HELP!

    He is in a one gallon tank, which I know is smaller than preferable, but I had to get him for a school project and could not afford a bigger tank and I didn’t want to get rid of him after the project was done. There is a filter in it, but there is no heater but his tank is consistently between...
  14. K

    Betta extremely lethargic and twitching? PLEASE HELP!

    Thank you! I went to the fish store today and got some Cattapa Bark and it is in his tank now, and I just covered his tank so it is dark. How long should I leave it covered? I tested my water again today, and all the parameters are still perfect. How do I know how good my filter media is?
  15. K

    Betta extremely lethargic and twitching? PLEASE HELP!

    I’ve had my betta for about 2 months, and he was very healthy for the first 1.5 months, but about a week ago, he became very lethargic and staying up in the very top corner of his tank, not eating and with clamped fins. The water parameters were 0 chlorine, 0 nitrite, traces of ammonia, and...
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