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    Sick betta?

    Final update: he didn't make it. Thank you for helping me with all his care everyone I'm going to take a break from fish for a while
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    Sick betta?

    I've been getting them from a local fish shop but they live in little cups there too. I might need to look into other options. For now, I just need him to make it until Thursday because I have a vet appointment scheduled but he's not moving or eating much so it'll be a miracle if he does... Just...
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    Sick betta?

    I've had 3 betta fish in 3 years and I've lost all of them around 9 months after I got them. I do the weekly water changes, feed a varied diet, test my water, treat diseases as told, and heat and filter my tanks. I feel like I'm doing everything right but my fish always get dropsy and pass away...
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    Sick betta?

    EMERGENCY UPDATE!! I went to go feed him this morning and now he's lying at the bottom of the tank breathing hard and not even trying to swim i don't know what to do I moved him up to his floating log so he has easy access to air but I'm really scared. He moves when I open the tank and then goes...
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    Sick betta?

    I've had him for around 9 months now. I've actually never tested my GH and KH (i don't have a kit for it but I just bought one because you asked and it'll be here Tuesday) but I just tested my pH again and it came out at 8.0 so a little higher than usual
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    Sick betta?

    Yes ammonia and nitrite were 0 ppm and nitrate was ~ 5 ppm
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    Sick betta?

    I did do the 70% water changes with the salt treatment. I have maracyn that I used with the quarantine med trio. Should I try doing a full treatment of it or would you recommend purchasing the meds you recommend instead? Do you use the Seachem kanaplex and API Furan-2 at the same time?
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    Sick betta?

    Hello again everyone, I've been a repeat poster but I cannot figure out what is wrong with my betta. He lives in a 16 gallon planted tank with two assassin snails and no other fish. All treatments referred to in this post were within the tank, the temperature is 78, when I last checked all water...
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    Skin lesion?

    Hello, I did the 75% percent water change everyday for a week so far and after 48 hours I doubled the salt because I saw no improvement. I am now on the second week of treatment. Thank you for the advice @Colin_T . The red area on his gills is now on the other side too and his fins look more...
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    Skin lesion?

    For the salt levels, when I do the water changes do I just add as much salt as the amount of water I'm putting back in? So on the first day I'll add 3 tablespoons and everyday after that I'll take out 75% of the water and add about 2 tablespoons to the water I'm adding in? What would recovery...
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    Skin lesion?

    Hello, I posted on here before because my betta started having gray appear on his face and lower belly and everyone said it was fine as long as it doesn't spread. I am about to treat my fish in a salt hospital tank because his fins are looking a little rough around the edges but I woke up this...
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    Can't feed snail with betta

    Hello! So, I just bought some sinking wafers for my assassin snails because I am beginning to run out of pest snails for them. However, I put a wafer in and it sank without my fish seeing so I thought he wouldn't know it was there, but I checked later and now he's super swollen without a wafer...
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    Betta has weird splotches

    Thank you so much! Your feedback was really helpful. I'll keep an eye on it and buy that stuff if it gets worse.
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    Betta has weird splotches

    I feed him 3 or so pellets of Aqueon Pro Foods Betta Formula and a alternate between a pinch of hikari freeze dried brine shrimp and blood worms everyday. He lives in a 16 gallon tank with a sponge filter and his only tank mates are nuisance snails and two assassin snails.
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    Betta has weird splotches

    Hello! It's a little hard to see in this pic because he wouldn't stop wiggling but my betta's face started to have these gray splotches. I thought they might be the face splotches from velvet but he doesn't have any of the typical body shimmer when I look at him with a flashlight. I'm worried...
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