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    Changing Gravel

    have my tank set up, have gravel at moment but wanna change it to sand. where do i put fish when doing this? and is it pretty easy to do?
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    All Dying

    i have lost some neons, cory and plec! just switched light on and there is million little snails. could this be problem? hate em!
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    All Dying

    no i always change 3 buckets
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    All Dying

    tank is 96 litres. very lightly stocked....... 6 tetra 3 corys 4 platties and 2 bristlenose plecs.......... hence light water changes didnt think it needed anymore
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    All Dying

    i do routine water changes once a month where i syphon about 15% of the water and clean glass. i also clean filter sponges (in old tank water) water added is same temp and i added some tetra water conditionerr. the only thing i can think of is that i added some snail killer about week...
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    All Dying

    hey all, am really stuck..... tank been set up for 3 years and been good. cleaned tank out yesterday and now all fish dying. dont understand did nothing different.
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    Tank Decoration

    hello all, used to use this site alot but have been away for a while with work commitments, basically have had my tank set up for 3 years and am very bored with decortaion. any ideas what i can put inside that will be cheap. at the moment tank has large anchor and i was hoping to go more...
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    Race For Life

    im also joining the police soon but in uk! fitness is getting though! goodluck with it all gwikimpss. what sort of fitness levels do you need to have for police academy?
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    My Art!

    you are very talented. do you do art full time?
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    New Diy Fish Tank Table...

    looks good mate, wish i had some DIY skills! what will your parents say?
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    Extreme Close Up

    they are bamboo shrimp. i have 2! great little things! nice pics! :D
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    what do u mean they breed in other fish?
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    what can i do then? do they breed singley?
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    why may i lose all my fish?
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    ah well its too late now. i will just see what happens!
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    you were too late i already ordered 2. they wont reproduce as i have one for each tank
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    im in uk so will order some! wahooooooooooooo!
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    can a clam go in a freshwater tank at all? i have a community tank that is 96 litres!
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    Race For Life

    im doing race for life on the 16th july in southampton. am also hoping to go in the police soon aswell, needless to say im working dam hard at getting fit. making very slow progress though dont understand it! congrats on your time.