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  1. Selby

    Vote Now - January 2021 Tank of the Month (17-30 gallons)

    Before I start, I’d just like to point out that I am a newbie to the fish keeping community but this is my 75L planted tank that I’ve had setup for around 4 months, it was supposed to be a simple breeding tank for some blue steel killifish, however it has now become a Guppy/Killifish/pleco tank...
  2. 907E2ACD-D38D-4906-80E5-19085B291F04.jpeg


  3. Selby

    Pregnant guppy behaviour

    Normally that male doesn't breathe that much, pretty bad video to show that :/ the only time that female breathes that much is when she isolates herself. I normally do 2 40-50% water changes a week as it is still a fairly new tank, and clean the gravel every time I do that. the video shows the...
  4. Selby

    Pregnant guppy behaviour

    So this guppy has been pregnant for about 2 months now, and over the last day or two has become extremely inactive and seems to just float in one spot for ages. Is this a sign of her about to drop, or something else? usually she is extremely active, as are all of the other guppies in this tank...
  5. Selby

    First forum post

    Yes, Caerphilly, a little out of the way of most people ?.
  6. Selby

    First forum post

    So, this is my first time ever using a forum, I did join to ask a couple questions about my girlfriends pregnant guppy which I had to foster due to her tank getting cracked, but a couple minutes after creating the account she started to pop out her babies. I've haven't kept guppies for a long...