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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. S

    EI Dry Ferts

    Hello everyone. Pretty new here but not really new to the hobby. I'm currently looking for somewhere to purchase some dry ferts for EI dosing. My first place to look obviously was aqauriumplantfood but their site has been down now for a couple of days and I'm starting to get desperate. I've...
  2. S

    A few questions a need help on

    To answer your questions... Your stocking should be fine as long as your tank is properly cycled and you are reading 0 Ammonia and 0 Nitrite. Myself personally, I have always maintained a stricked feed once a day routine. I would feed a flake food but feed with bloodworm once or twice a week...
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    Cuckoo Catfish

    Didn't think so. Thanks ?
  4. S

    Cuckoo Catfish

    Hi everyone Has anyone ever known cuckoo catfish to eat diatoms?
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    Feeding my Mbuna Broccoli

    Thanks my man ?
  6. S

    Feeding my Mbuna Broccoli

    Thanks guys. Good chat?
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    Feeding my Mbuna Broccoli

    Hi guys. Nice easy one for you. I want to feed my Mbuna some broccoli and eventually some other veggies. Never done this before. Do I feed raw, blanched or cooked? Any advice appreciated
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    Waterlife Sterazin

    Hi all hoping to pick your brain. Just wondering if anyone has had an success using waterlife Sterazin in any other doses other than what waterlife suggests on the bottle? I found a really old thread on a forum dating back to 2005 where people are discussing double dosing (Twice a day) for 12...
  9. S

    Mbuna breeders, stockest or shops??

    Thanks for the reply and warm welcome back I've googled cichlid societies in my area and not much is coming back unfortunately. And yes my local Maidenhead Aquatics have said they can order in specific species for me but they come in from over seas which says to me that not only will it...
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    Mbuna breeders, stockest or shops??

    Hi everyone I'm new to the forum, well kinda... I was a member a few years ago and decided to come back and join the community. Anyway my questions is an easy one. I'm looking for Mbuna stockest, breeders or shops that specialise or sells a good variety of healthy mbuna species in or around...