Search results

  1. Callisto405

    Poisonous root tabs?

    The correlation between the tabs and the dead snail is unlikely. Most likely what happened is your snail just died randomly. Apple snails are not known for living very long. 1 - 2 years is about all they live
  2. Callisto405

    Why do people do this to fish?

    You can hear me read? You must be like a wizard or something 😝
  3. Callisto405

    Ammonia level won’t go down. Please help

    It sounds like your cycle is just getting started. Only way for a tank to cycle is for ammonia and nitrite to rise drastically before it can fall to 0. And this could take weeks. This is why fish-in cycling is frowned upon. Very stressful on the fish
  4. Callisto405

    Why do people do this to fish?

    Are you kidding me. No one is going respond to a betta in a bowl and a goldfish in a 5 gallon tank. How fish are taken care of is up for debate and how one interprets it. They have bigger fish to fry. Pun intended.
  5. Callisto405

    Why do people do this to fish?

    It sounds like you are afraid to speak up to her. Just tell her, I’m sure she’ll understand.
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  9. Callisto405

    Help identify disease

    Thought this was a video. Give me a minute and I’ll post some pictures
  10. Callisto405

    Help identify disease

    Any idea what this is? Fungus, ich or something else. Located on left pectoral fin and tail. Thanks
  11. Callisto405

    Setting up a betta breeding tank?

    I currently have 15 fish tanks ranging from 5 gallon to 75 gallon and more experience with fish than you might think. I decided to venture into the new activity of breeding fish with the exception of live bearers. Those are easy. I am very well versed in betta breeding but what I do lack, is...
  12. Callisto405

    Setting up a betta breeding tank?

    Okay, first breeding attempt was a failure. The male was way to aggressive when I released her. I had to remove her. Tried again next morning and same aggressiveness. So I ditched the effort and put them both back in their regular tanks Yesterday I decided to try again. I used the same...
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  15. Callisto405

    Will this stocking work for a 450 gallon tank ?

    Th I would leave the cichlids and any aggressive fish out and do all tetras (specifically Congo, Candy Cane and Rummy nose Tetras), Rasboras and Hatchetfish for the top level. 25 ottos, 50 Ghost Shrimp, 15 Corydoras and a couple Semi-large growing pleco
  16. Callisto405

    Setting up a betta breeding tank?

    So I didn’t see your response until after I had already started using someone else’s breeding method. So far I introduced the female first, they said acclimate her for about an hour is a small holding tank within the tank, then I added the male. They were instantly attracted to each other. She...
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  18. Callisto405

    Setting up a betta breeding tank?

    So I'm setting up a new betta breeding tank and have everything set up, seasoned driftwood, plants, heater, almond leaves and a seasoned filter. Well it's actually a pre-filter but it's very large and has been in there a few months and I converted it into a regular sponge filter and I cleaned...
  19. Callisto405

    How do I gravel clean when the tank is close to the floor?

    I modified a 10 Gallon tank stand to hold 2 10 gallon tanks instead of one. The new tank only sits off the ground about 4 inches. I could take the stand apart drill new holes and move the floor of the stand up a few more inches but I don’t want to do all that. So the question is, can I clean it...
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  21. Callisto405

    Mystery Fry?

    maybe it is swordtails. I know they are smaller than Molly fry
  22. Callisto405

    Mystery Fry?

    what are these little fish stuck to the wall of a small temporary betta holding tank. Female betta. Other fish include Mollies, swordtails, SAE, Corydoras and a pleco. Any ideas? There are only 2 I can see and they are NOT free swimming yet so I know it's not mollies or swordtails
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  24. Callisto405

    Can these Bettas breed

    yes, yes, yes and yes
  25. Callisto405

    Air stone / air pump questions

    API sells a GH and KH test kit. As for the dissolved oxygen, keep the water level an inch or 2 below the output so it causes disturbance in the water when it falls into the tank ( like a waterfall) and that will provide more than enough oxygen for several fish.
  26. Callisto405

    Can these Bettas breed

    Are these 2 bettas the same type. If they are or are not can they still breed?
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  29. Callisto405

    Red open gill

    My fish is breathing hard and has 1 open red gill. Is it bgd?
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  34. Callisto405

    How long does API general cure stay good for

    I'll keep a couple boxes on hand for when I need them. Thankfully I haven't ran into anything to bad yet that water changes, melafix or salt couldn't fix. But you never know. Good to have this stuff on hand
  35. Callisto405

    How long does API general cure stay good for

    I bought a box of API General Cure today and noticed to expire date is 11/2023. I would have thought it would last longer than 2 years if unopened. Is it a ploy by the retailer to get you to buy it more often or does it actually degrade that quick. What do you think? I like to stock up on stuff
  36. Callisto405

    New Tank: Lessons Learned

    Yea they're everywhere. (2) - 7.5 liter Betta tanks, (1)- 11 liter Betta, (1) -19 liter Betta, (2) - 38 liter, (2) -110 liter, (1) 210 liter. I think #10 will be a 75 liter long breeding tank. Gonna try my hand at breeding Congo Tetras
  37. Callisto405

    New Tank: Lessons Learned

    My fish adventure started 11 years ago when I found a 40 gallon tank someone was throwing out. I brought it home showed my dad and we set it up. Added a cheap filter, light, air stone, and plactic plants, filled it with water and threw some fish in. who knows how many died in the beginning. We...
  38. Callisto405

    New H.O.B Filter

    My old one has traditional disposable inserts. My new one is a 3 stage filtration system. Fluval 70. Completely different
  39. Callisto405

    Aquarium plants turning black

    Get a couple Siamese Algae Eaters. They are some of the only fish in the hobby that actually eat Black Brush Algae. They can clean an entire aquarium of the stuff. I've seen it! But here's the catch, they are easily spoiled on regular fish food and can grow to 6 inches. But if handled properly...