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  1. L

    Algae problems, shrimp or snail or Cory catfish?

    If I got one of those floating circles so some light can still peep through at that point. The light goes over the whole lid of the tank it’s pretty bright and obviously in a white room that reflects a lot of natural light into there too
  2. L

    Algae problems, shrimp or snail or Cory catfish?

    the tank is a year old. Im think of adding some floating plants as well for the top surface however I think it will stop the light for the plants below?
  3. L

    Algae problems, shrimp or snail or Cory catfish?

    I have a 56 litre tank. Within my tank I have 3 Electric Blue Rams,2 zebra danios, and 4 Serpae Tetras and one sparkling gourami. My tank has never had an over growth of algae it’s more on the hides and decorative pieces. They get a weird brown algae as well as my anubias barteri...
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  6. L

    Help, Algae eating fish needed

    sadly I don’t have any up to date photos of the tank to show. I have a photo from back in April before I had moved my fish from their smaller tank to their new big one. I’ve scribbled out the plants that I killed ‍♀️ And there’s now a hide in between the log and the tree root. The plant at the...
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  8. L

    Help, Algae eating fish needed

    Hey, I have a 56 litre tank but I can’t seem to find any algea eaters that’ll be okay with the fish I have in my tank. I have 3 Electric Blue Rams, One Dwarf Gourami, and 5 Serpae Tetras. I had otos before but they keep dying. The tank doesn’t produce that much algae it’s quite far away from the...