Search results

  1. C

    Fish with clamped fins, droopy tail, flashing

    I appreciate the thorough reply. So you think there still being ich present can explain their behavior? Including the weird tail drooping?
  2. C

    Fish with clamped fins, droopy tail, flashing

    Tank size: 40G breeder tank age: Finished cycling 10/20, fish added on 10/25 pH: 8.0 Using API master test kit: ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 5ppm tank temp: 82F Tank inhabitants: 9 Juvenile Neolamprologus similis, 5 juvenile Altolamprologus compressiceps dwarf sumbu shell. All of my fish...
  3. 20201109_082946.jpg


  4. 20201109_112314.jpg

