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  1. Chen jing kai

    What should I do?

    From the start of this year, I realised it has been quite busy juggling school work, my own life and taking care of my fish tank. However, I simply do not have time for cleaning and maintenance of the fish tank and it is not turning out the way I initially wanted it to. Even after 4 years, I...
  2. Chen jing kai

    Is my Hara jerdoni okay?

    Some are actually even darker then this guy. Like jet black almost.
  3. Chen jing kai

    Is my Hara jerdoni okay?

    No sorry but I could try again it’s just that the position of my tank makes it have more glare.
  4. Chen jing kai

    Is my Hara jerdoni okay?

    Oh I actually have 6. It’s just that this o me seems much paler than the others
  5. Chen jing kai

    Is my Hara jerdoni okay?

    It’s skin looks like it’s fading. The others however appear quite okay with full colouration and of a good size IMO.
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  7. Chen jing kai

    Fin ray count

    This was used to express how many caudal fin rays there are in a fish. The highlighted part. What does this mean?
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  9. Chen jing kai

    Hara jerdoni feeding

    I have read that they are susceptible to nitrate spikes so I only got them after I was satisfied with my water parameters.
  10. Chen jing kai

    Hara jerdoni feeding

    I have 6 Asian stone catfish or anchor catfish and I was wondering how to find out if they have been eating well? I have a yo-yo loach, four sterbai corydoras and one pleco, I was told the yo-yo loach could fit in a 20 gallon and live on its own, however I have recently found out that the shop...
  11. Chen jing kai

    Red sore on gourami

    The dwarf gourami has died already. I think it was because I only cleaned the tank every two weeks and coupled with the fact that I had ran out of bacteria. The high ammonia levels might have been the cause of this and for the infection of the wound.
  12. Chen jing kai

    Fungus growing on wound

    Maybe constantly as in twice a day? He isn’t looking too well now though.
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  14. Chen jing kai

    Fungus growing on wound

    Oh ok, thanks. But his wound is still there and I was thinking of using melafix to treat the wound. How long should I be giving salt baths to the gourami? Can the medicine be harmful to the fish?
  15. Chen jing kai

    Fungus growing on wound

    Um actually I had separated the gourami when I gave it the salt bath. Could I just buy the medication as a precaution? Would constant salt baths be okay for the fish? Thanks in advance.
  16. Chen jing kai

    Fungus growing on wound

    The salt did make it go down a little, so I should avoid the medicine? Let’s say I still use the medicine, should I separate the fish.
  17. Chen jing kai

    Fungus growing on wound

    Sorry that I have so many questions but what about the bloating and my gouramis huge belly, is it just being fed too much or something else? Is the reddening on the lips a sign of something?
  18. Chen jing kai

    Fungus growing on wound

    When I add in the medicine and all, can I separate the fish from the rest and also give it a salt bath? How long should I give the salt bath to it for?
  19. Chen jing kai

    Fungus growing on wound

    Oh ok thank you. I am planning to use some Melafix and maybe some fungal killer too, is that okay? Now there is a white stringy thing coming out of the wound.
  20. Chen jing kai

    Fungus growing on wound

    I do not know what it wrong with it. I am really hoping it is not the dwarf gourami iridovirus but I cannot really identify what is wrong with it. There is this red marking on its lips. I have given it a salt bath, 5g/litre
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  24. Chen jing kai

    Fungus growing on wound

    Thank you for the advice. What does excess mucus look like?
  25. Chen jing kai

    Fungus growing on wound

    Previously, I have posted that my gourami had a wound on him and now it is growing fungus. Can I use API Fungus cure to treat it? Should I start using something to let it heal quicker? My water quality had actually become a bit worse because for a period of time I ran out of bacteria to use.
  26. Chen jing kai

    Red sore on gourami

    Hi I think I may have a reason. The ammonia has not fully gone down. However the last time I had tested the water there was zero ammonia, zero nitrites and Low nitrates
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  28. Chen jing kai

    Red sore on gourami

    No I do not have a Chinese algae eater and this fish resembles a SAE or like not a true SAE but not a flying fox either. My gourami’s wound has started to grow fungus, what should I do?
  29. Chen jing kai

    Red sore on gourami

    Thank you for the information.
  30. Chen jing kai

    Red sore on gourami

    There is only one gourami and most of the fish are not big enough to deal with him. Those that could match his size might be a pleco or SAE. However he does enjoy hiding in a dark place behind this ship decoration. So this wound is not from disease but just a cut? Is there a way to help his...
  31. Chen jing kai

    Red sore on gourami

    Hi there appears to be a red sore around my dwarf gourami’s ventral or pelvic area. Is this a disease or is it a cut? What should I do about this?
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  34. Chen jing kai

    Won’t eat food

    Oh thanks for the advice. Do you have any recommendations for frozen food? I have no idea what to buy
  35. Chen jing kai

    Won’t eat food

    The ammonia, nitrates and nitrites are all very low. Ammonia is zero, nitrates are zero, low nitrates. Normally she would not eat but I have another male killifish of the same species which always eats. I don’t know whether she would eat if let her out but could also be because I have quite a...
  36. Chen jing kai

    Won’t eat food

    I have a female nothobranchius flammicomantis been eating anything I have given it. She had always avoided feeding and always hid out at the other parts of the tank. I thought it was okay as I presume they are not restricted to feeding at the top part of the tank. I realised she was much thinner...
  37. Chen jing kai

    What species is this

    Hi. What species is this? Is it a crossocheilus langei? Or is it another type? I only realised today it probably isn’t a true SAE.Thanks in advance.
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  40. Chen jing kai

    Gender identification

    Nothobranchius flammicomantis