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  1. P

    Emergency question

    My tank has been cycled for almost 20 years up till I added this betta in so I would like to assume it’s cycled still but again who knows with all this weirdness. I’m going to try to buy a new ammonia kit and try to just change everything to new bottles and restart because im going crazy
  2. P

    Emergency question

    I’ve been using tetra aqua safe. I’ve always used it but I have recently gotten a new bottle so idk
  3. P

    Emergency question

    I’ve had fish for so many years and these past few months everything’s randomly gone out of wack and it’s driving me crazy I’m so confused
  4. P

    Emergency question

    Also, to make things more confusing, I have deep cleaned a 1 gallon tank that has had no fish in it as an experiment that only has gravel in it and even that has ammonia after I let it sit for 2-3 days. yet it never has ammonia at first as my tap does not read any ammonia (and I’ve tried store...
  5. P

    Emergency question

    I have no nitrites 0ppm, and I have about 10ppm for nitrates. I do have a very dirty pletco in the tank though. But I have never had any reading of ammonia besides what’s normal when due for cleaning in this tank before adding the betta in, leading me to assume the kit should be good considering...
  6. P

    Emergency question

    I did test those at the start with no reading but haven’t very recently so I’ll do that now too. And the drops I have gotten are 1. Imagitarium ammonia remover and 2. Amquell plus ammonia detoxifier. I’ll test the nitrites/nitrates now
  7. P

    Emergency question

    If I figure it out I’ll try to remember to post to update on whatever this weird thing was
  8. P

    Emergency question

    I don’t even know what to do anymore, but I greatly appreciate you trying to look into it. I’m just going to have to move him back out soon probably if this ammonia doesn’t settle as I don’t want it to harm my other fish. I’ve never experienced this before with any other betta I’m stumped. But...
  9. P

    Emergency question

    My other fish seem okay so far as I was able to hurry up and get most of the ammonia out with a water change but my betta who has been dealing with this ammonia off and on for so long does have fin rot but he isn’t lethargic at all which is strange. He seems very happy. But I know, I was so...
  10. P

    Emergency question

    I just tested my tap water and there’s nothing. I then assumed it may be a filter problem but it’s working fine before I added him and I also had ammonia when he was in his temporary tank I put him in that didn’t even have a filter. I’m so lost I’ve tried taking out all his decorations. I’m...
  11. P

    Emergency question

    ALSO I have noticed that each time I freshly clean this tanks (he has been in 3-4 new tanks now) there is never any ammonia reading at the very start and then the following day is when I get a pretty high reading even though half the time he hasn’t even been fed yet since the cleaning
  12. P

    Emergency question

    Okay I’m using the API test kits with the drops/tubes. I haven’t tested the tap recently but I did when the problem first arises in his original tank and there was nothing out of the ordinary, which makes sense because I use the same water for my 30 gallon that is perfect prior to now. Ive...
  13. P

    Emergency question

    Thank you! Yea I consider myself at least decently knowledgeable on fish and I’m completely stumped. I appreciate the help anyways
  14. P

    Emergency question

    Yes I know fish produce ammonia, I meant it’s kinda bizarre that this tiny betta could produce enough to provide lethal amounts to a 30gallon tank that has been cycled for 20 years with never any ammonia spikes with the current fish.
  15. P

    Emergency question

    Even when I had him alone he was producing that Much to the point where it was going over 2ppm in as little as 2 days even if I skipped feeding him and I’ve been having to change his water like crazy to keep him alive from fin rot too
  16. P

    Emergency question

    But this much?? He’s a tiny betta in a 30 gallon tank that made the ammonia go to 2ppm in only a week when normally there is never above a slight amount made by the other dish
  17. P

    Emergency question

    Yes his Original tank was 100% cycled filter and all. And I would say just fish poop, but at one point as a break I even put him in a plastic 2.5 gallon and I had to change his water literally every other day because of ammonia. I don’t see a beta pooping that much but idk. And in this 30 gallon...
  18. P

    Emergency question

    I know this sounds bizarre and it’s like impossible but I’ve literally tested everything and gone through 2 test kits. And he has been moved around like crazy.. but I swear this fish just makes ammonia !! Lol. I know he doesn’t but god I literally cannot figure out what it is. I’ve even tried...
  19. P

    Emergency question

    I originally questioned the test kit as well but then i realized that my other tank has been coming out clean no ammonia this whole time before adding him in to try to give him a break
  20. P

    Emergency question

    I wouldn’t say he is stressed as he has somewhat “adapted” to these conditions but he has experienced fin rot and he hasn’t been able to fully heal because no matter what tank I put him in it’s like ammonia just spreads into
  21. P

    Emergency question

    Nope I actually had a brand new filter in the original tank I cycled for him
  22. P

    Emergency question
