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  1. W.R

    New Clown Killifish In Established Tank, Lethargic after ICH treatment

    Last update: The five remaining fish have recovered from being at the bottom and not feeding and having ICH, I'm amazed and glad I haven't given up on the little guys. And today I saw fry, I thought that might be a good way to end this post, super tiny, little baby killifish. Let's hope they...
  2. W.R

    New Clown Killifish In Established Tank, Lethargic after ICH treatment

    A little update on the situation, hopefully the last. I've lost three of the killi's, I put them under the microscope to look for parasites and found nothing, at this point I'm assuming it was the combination of the meds and temp that fried them. The ICH symptoms have dissipated and I've...
  3. W.R

    New Clown Killifish In Established Tank, Lethargic after ICH treatment

    For sure! brine shrimp come in packets of either just the eggs or eggs and salt already combined (I like to use those since I do not have that many hungry mouths to feed and it makes it so minimal effort). I use a little egg hatch silo, it doesn't even need air pump or anything like that, for...
  4. W.R

    New Clown Killifish In Established Tank, Lethargic after ICH treatment

    Thank you :) No- Clowns will usually eat tiny flaked foods, you just need to be sure there's enough proteins and such in there, also I believe it's not a great substitute and prefer to feed them live food. I always feed live brine shrimps with a tiny bit of flakes mixed in, that way they keep...
  5. W.R

    New Clown Killifish In Established Tank, Lethargic after ICH treatment

    Thanks for your reply! Clown killi's are really small and where actually quite settled in the tank before they got sick, I've had this species in a large long tank once before and they actually seemed to be more stressed out and territorial. Also like I said this tank has been going for a few...
  6. W.R

    New Clown Killifish In Established Tank, Lethargic after ICH treatment

    Thanks everyone for the replies! I lost one of the males last night, I will keep them at lower heat to be sure, again none of my Annulatus ever enjoyed the higher temps, but I will carefully dose meds again after todays water change. I think I might loose a few more of the little guys but...
  7. W.R

    New Clown Killifish In Established Tank, Lethargic after ICH treatment

    Hey all, about two weeks ago I've purchased 8 Clown killifish for my 20L, 2 year established tank with a few neocaridina, I could not quarantine them because my QT was taken up that same day by a friends sick beta fish (who is fine now :D), the store did not want to keep the killi's any longer...
  8. W.R

    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    Killifish are underrated and making live foods should be more commonplace because it is not hard.
  9. W.R

    White spots on Guorami for the last month?

    Oh interesting, the first picture does look like a missing scale but the second is far too white for that. Does the fish display any unusual behaviors? Parasites will usually cause more extreme behavioral changes, such as aggressively scraping their sides on your tank interior, swimming up and...
  10. W.R

    Why do my fish keep dying in the same tank?

    Heya, You probably have but, did you properly cycle your tank before adding the fish? It sounds like they are getting poisoned, do you use a dechlorinator for water changes and have you used chemicals or cleaning supplies other than vinegar while cleaning your tank, do you know where your plants...
  11. W.R

    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    Male guppies should not be kept together without ladies. In fact, their personalities kinda suck :/ Pretty fish though.
  12. W.R

    Honey Gourami with Eppiplatus clown killi?

    Heya all, currently in my 7Gal I have a honey gourami juvenile, I am not keeping it here as I'm holding onto it for a friend, it seems to be doing just fine for now, however I would like to stock the tank with a few Clown Killi fish soon, are they ok with a honey male for a month? Both species...
  13. W.R

    White spots on Guorami for the last month?

    Heya! Sorry but could you attach a picture? Sometimes injured scales can cause little while spots, Ich can be very resistant against cures, it may just not be effective. However I have rarely heard of ich lasting that long without a fish succumbing to it totally or having the Ich retreat, so a...
  14. W.R

    Tank filled to the brim with tiny white worms.

    You make some very good points :) I ended up adding a bit of Hydrogen peroxide to make a dent and then proceeded with the cycling process, just dosing an extra ammonia dose to see if it would still be taken care of by the BB and it was just fine, the leftover worms I'll leave in there, I just...
  15. W.R

    Tank filled to the brim with tiny white worms.

    I used ammonia, there's no food in here, the fish should not eat plague worms it can mess up their bowel track severely with this amount. Mostly I'd like to decline their population somewhat so that when they die off once the tank is stocked I don't get a massive ammonia spike, there are, so many.
  16. W.R

    Tank filled to the brim with tiny white worms.

    Ah shoot, maybe some H2o2 will help get this back on track then.. The wood has been in here for as long as the tank has been running, about a month, it was boiled beforehand. Substrate is a black quarts gravel, gravel sand and a little bit of dennerle scrapers soil. There is one cattapa almond...
  17. W.R

    Tank filled to the brim with tiny white worms.

    Heya all, I recently left my 3 tanks in the care of a friend for two days and today got a stressed out call before returning home, everything is ok with my stocked tanks (thank goodness) but my lil nano I had just finished cycling is filled top to bottom with mini worms, I'm not sure what exact...
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  21. W.R

    Introducing myself?

    What a lovely lady!
  22. W.R

    Worried about my Honey Gouramis

    Also shocked me the first time my HG got a black tummy, but that shows it's maturing! now when it's time for breeding it's a possibility the black gets darker and once it calms down the coloration changes again, some fish keep the coloration forever :) My dominant female also has some black on...
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  26. W.R

    Introducing myself

    Welcome to the forum! I adore your Honey gourami, Wild colour is so lovely :)
  27. W.R

    Introducing myself?

    Welcome to the forum! Would love to see your darling betta :D
  28. W.R

    Clown Killifish, good idea?

    Gotcha, is it possible to keep mulitple males or would that cause too much aggression? (thanks for the reply :)
  29. W.R

    Clown Killifish, good idea?

    I've got frogbit and red root floaters as well as the vallisneria which is so long it flows on the surface water a bit :) How many would be ok in the 20L? should I do pairs or unevens? 3? 4?
  30. W.R

    Clown Killifish, good idea?

    Very good point, luckily the gourami do not seem into each other at all, and when the male displays his mating colours I put him in a bachelor pad until he's back to normal hah... Thanks for the warning :)
  31. W.R

    Clown Killifish, good idea?

    Heya all, recently I've had my established 20L/5Gal tank emptied out (bare a few pregnant shrimp), and I've been thinking about what to stock it with, the filter flow is minimal, very many floating plants (red root and salvinia, frogbit) as well as some vallisneria gigantea, mosses etc. Ph is a...
  32. W.R

    2 Guppies in 3.5 gallon tank

    What a super stressful situation! I totally sympathize with you, 10 years ago when I got my first aquarium the local fish store sold me a common pleco for a 20L/5Gal, which become absolutely massive! Thankfully a friend of the family has a tank about the size of his wall and he was happy to take...
  33. W.R

    Another Help! what sex are my honey gourami! Post

    On god according to the fins they are all females. I called the store and they refuse to take him back so I've posted an add hoping someone will pick up the lil guy, he's starting to grow the black beard now too, not just the fin and slowly but surely hes growing more orange so... hn. Thanks...
  34. W.R

    Another Help! what sex are my honey gourami! Post

    So this is the never ending thread, The lady is loosing the stripe and is starting to show black on her bottom fin, as well as a lighter colour on her spinal and she is turning a darker shade. ....Do I need to call the LFS and ask them how they sex honeys because I'm pretty sure.. they don't...
  35. W.R

    I have my fish... now what?

    Don't know if this is still a question you have, but honey gourami's eat shrimp fry, if you've got plenty space for them to hide by the time they reach half an inch they should be safe! I have a lovely colony sitting here with three honeys no problem, but yes, some fry will be eaten, though...
  36. W.R

    Another Help! what sex are my honey gourami! Post

    I've seen the male do most of all that, thanks for the guide! She seems way too stressed out, being new to the tank to follow the male and generally seems put off by his chasing, but giving her some time I think will be just what she needs, she has started timidly exploring the tank and has made...
  37. W.R

    Another Help! what sex are my honey gourami! Post

    Okay, it's nice to know there's a chance with this one hah, thank you. Yes these are my first Honeys, I've been in the hobby for ten years, but have never had these, thought I had done my research too, read just about every article and care guide I could find before going out to get a pair...
  38. W.R

    Another Help! what sex are my honey gourami! Post

    Okay! One of the males was send back and I've received a new lady, please tell me, she actually IS a lady... the picture quality is not phenomenal because she's still rather shy. She seems to be the right shade and has a vertical stripe but also a sharp backfin and orange on the tips so... god...
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