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  1. J

    What to put with mollies

    Would you have to get a pair of German blue rams or can you do just males? Only other thing would be they stay more to the bottom with the tall tank that i have.
  2. J

    What to put with mollies

    Thanks for the info. If I were to "just to keep" and not breed what would be some options?
  3. J

    What to put with mollies

    Open for anything that would work well with my water if need be
  4. J

    What to put with mollies

    Ok thats good advice ill look into. If u were to keep a more soft water fish what are some examples u suggest?
  5. J

    What to put with mollies

    Attached is my water parameters for my 40 gal tank. Tank is 30in by 15in by 24in high. I have a aquaclear 70 hob filter. I was wondering what I could put with mollies as for a bottom feeder, or something for the algae, or both ! I know I have high ph and was trying to find something what would...
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  14. J

    Mollies and Corydoras

    I have a 40 gal bow front tank that is 30 in by 15 in by 24 in tall. I currently have a aquaclear 70 hob filter. water parameters are all good and tank is cycled. I wanna get mollies and corydoras. My question is how many I can do I wanna start with 4 female mollies and 2 male mollies. I kind of...
  15. J

    40 gal stocking ideas

    Thanks for the information helps alot I do have one more question when it comes to sand. I would change if I knew how to clean it. I have read how to clean sand and seams tough. Though as in not sucking it up my geavle vac. Also read sand could create gas pockets if it isn't mix around with you...
  16. J

    40 gal stocking ideas

    I have personally thought to do something along thoese lines. But read that goromi can get agresion towards eachother or is that just males since you are saying one male 2 females. Also I read they tend to be shy. Im assuming I can't just just goromi only tank. Also the pearl gouramis are hard...
  17. J

    40 gal stocking ideas

    The readings are from my tank. Been cycled. Now for 3 weeks empty. Just looking to see what I can add. Regualy I do biweekly water changes we I have fish in the tank.
  18. J

    40 gal stocking ideas

    Hello, I am not new to the hobby and need some help. I just set up a new tank and need some help with stocking ideas. My water where I live is making me wonder what I can keep because I'm having troubles keep fish healthy that don't live very long in my water. I will attach the water parameters...
  19. J

    In need of some stocking suggestion

    The test is from my tank water. I have dragon stone and normal aquarium gravel you buy from the store. My ph was always high even before I added the dragon stone.