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  1. M

    Sagittaria subulata planted into sand

    I've read that you can do it without any kind of substrate but I think a couple of root tabs won't hurt. The hardest part right now is finding a place where I can buy it :(
  2. M

    Sagittaria subulata planted into sand

    Hi all, I have a question that was fairly discussed in many threads all over the internet but I want to make sure there isn't anything else I have missed. I currently have my aquarium with only sand on the bottom because of my corrys. It's a very fine sand and I would say maybe 3-4cm deep. I...
  3. M

    Fish are scratching

    To be honest, I added recently the 20 Galaxy Rasbora, but I had the same issue in the previous months. My water tests were good and the fish were scratching. I was doing water changes, but I want to understand the reason. I am suspecting that my nitrate reactor is producing Hydrogensulphide...
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    Fish are scratching

    I increased the temperature from 25 to 26 and I will wait to see if there are any significant changes. I noticed only the Panda garra and one Galaxy Rasobora ( that I forgot to add them into description :D ). PS: I just saw that some of my corries are spawning again
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    Fish are scratching

    I can't see any white spots. I might increase the temperature slightly to 26 to see if this will make it better.
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  8. M

    Fish are scratching

    Hi all, My aquarium: 200 Juwel Lido 200. Filtration: Oase BioMaster 600 (4kg of BiohomeUltimate), Sulfur Nitrate Reactor (around 1/2 kg of media) and a Eheim Surface Skimmer. Water change 30% weekly with 100% RO water remineralized with Seachem Equilibrium and KH Buffer, ratio 1 : 0.5...