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  1. L

    My shrimp won't breed?

    Oh my gosh People, you guys are AMAZING! Since I've been feeding them 3 to 5 times per day with the shrimp cuisine, two of my shrimps are now pregnant!
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    My shrimp won't breed?

    Yeah, I've heard of that too. I heard they will either ended up looking like one of its parents, or revert back to wild.
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    My shrimp won't breed?

    Yeah, that could be the reason. You're right, I will try to feed them more and see how it goes :)
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    My shrimp won't breed?

    Thank you for your reply! I'm not sure if I'm not supplying enough food for them; I feed NBL Novo prawn shrimp pellets once in 2 to 3 days as I'm worried I might overfeed them (considering the algae and bacteria for them to eat). Not sure if it's a necessity to have a heater in Southeast Asia...
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    My shrimp won't breed?

    @eatyourpeas @mbsqw1d thanks for replying! Yeah, I think that could be one of the possible reasons... And I will try to give it a go with @essjay 's suggestion and see how it goes- I've read somewhere in other forums that someone gave Hikari cuisine to the shrimps and they start to breed.
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    My shrimp won't breed?

    Hi essjay, thanks for replying! Yes, there are some females- with the curve bellies and saddles- but they are lesser than males, 1:3 in estimation. I find it almost impossible not to have at least a female with that amount of number haha.
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    My shrimp won't breed?

    Hi guys, I've got myself an 8.5-gallon tank with a colony of neo Cardinal shrimps (around 20 to 30 smth)a few months ago. The tank has already cycled for months and it is very heavily planted. I do 30- 50% of water changes with OR water every week. But for some reason, my shrimps are not even...
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    25 gallon tank live stockings

    Wow, you have some really cute cories right there! For mine, they always scavenging around for food the whole day, occasionally chasing each other for fun. I don't really know how to make them playful like yours to be honest... I will add some more of it once my tank has fully set up, maybe by...
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    What is the name of this snail?

    When I was maintaining my cherry shrimp tank, I found this fella along with a pond snail and a ramshorn snail, but the thing is I didn't purchase any of them(but still gonna keep the ramshorn because it cleans my tank effectively). Anyways, I'm curious if this snail will produce a lot of babies...
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    25 gallon tank live stockings

    Hi, Thank you so much, Wills! Your suggestion is reasonable and will take note of that. I think I will just let my betta stay in the 13g tank I'm having right now to himself. I think he would be happier if I do that.
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    25 gallon tank live stockings

    Hi, I recently got into the hobby and have already purchased a 25g tank. I'm planning to buy and stock some of these fishes once I've set up and fully cycled the tank. Do you think the tank would be overstocked? Fish/shrimp list: 3 Amano shrimps 1 betta (my betta is very chill to my cories) 8...