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  1. T

    Anyone willing to rescue sick goldfish

    Also with the filter it's still fairly new but I cleaned it about a month or two ago. Prior to that I believe I waited a few months because I needed to let it settle in. I usually fill a bucket with tank water and clean everything with that.
  2. T

    Anyone willing to rescue sick goldfish

    Thanks a bunch for informing me. Glad to hear that it's something that can be fixed. I'll make sure to note everything you mentioned a side from the salt treatment since I've already started with melafix before posting on this forum. For food I usually feed him a mix of repashy and pellets but...
  3. T

    Anyone willing to rescue sick goldfish

    Thanks a bunch for willing to do something though. If I can't find someone I'll be sure to do all that I can to help him heal
  4. T

    Anyone willing to rescue sick goldfish

    This seems like great advice! I'll be sure to keep everything you say in mind, I did actually start treating him with API so I think I will continue to treat him in the 20 gal and do lots of water changes. If I haven't found anyone to take him in I'll definitely get one of those storage...
  5. T

    Anyone willing to rescue sick goldfish

    I'm not sure how to find them. I tried googling but couldn't find much so I decided to hop on here to see if anyone could take him in. I'll double check and do more to find a place, thanks a bunch for the timely response!
  6. T

    Anyone willing to rescue sick goldfish

    Thank you for the kind reply, I'll try to get in contact with her to see if she can find anyone. Yes please! Any advice is more than welcome just in case I can't get anyone to take him in.
  7. T

    Anyone willing to rescue sick goldfish

    Also I'm currently treating him for fin rot with API with melafix. Started today
  8. T

    Anyone willing to rescue sick goldfish

    Please don't shame me, I really have tried my best to care for this fish but everything has been going wrong and I really need someone to save what I've done to my poor Ester ? Last year I cycled a tank and bought a fancy ryukin goldfish and everything has been going down hill. First the filter...
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  10. T

    Fish in cycle going on 2 months

    I'll be sure not to touch anything this time! Thanks a bunch
  11. T

    Fish in cycle going on 2 months

    Thank a lot for the recommendations, I just got the fluval 207 today! Hopefully that will do the trick. I dumped all my old media in it so I'll be sure not to touch/wash anything within a month or two
  12. T

    Fish in cycle going on 2 months

    Also I had ceramic media and a sponge in the HOB.
  13. T

    Fish in cycle going on 2 months

    Hey! Thanks for the response. I never did clean the HOB except to change out the polyfil when it got really nasty. I did clean the tubing out once because it was really nasty but I only touched the tubing. I made sure not to clean it out with tap water and tank water only.
  14. T

    Fish in cycle going on 2 months

    Thanks for the response! I was actually looking into canister filters today! It was just a thought that had crossed my mind but I wouldn't mind giving that a go. My tank is a 20 gallon, do you think if I got a canister filter for a 50 gallon that that would do the trick??
  15. T

    Fish in cycle going on 2 months

    Oooh, okay. I shall also try to fetch some of those! Thanks a bunch
  16. T

    Fish in cycle going on 2 months

    Thanks for the suggestion! I'll definitely try to get my hands on one of those two. I did try duckweed but, of course, he gobbled them up.
  17. T

    Fish in cycle going on 2 months

    No live plants. Just some sand substrate. I make sure to clean it as well if I see any poop. Maybe I clean the substrate too much??? I do find myself sifting through it every water change.
  18. T

    Fish in cycle going on 2 months

    I'll just jump right in and say that I've been doing an emergency fish in cycle for 2 mo this now and nothing has changed with readings. This is a 20 gallon fancy goldfish tank with a hang on back filter and sponge filter. I do water changes everyday to make sure my fish doesnt get harmed...
  19. T

    Will this help my fish-in cycle?

    Aahh, I see! That makes sense. I use Seachem prime currently so all is good. Thanks so much for the response, I shall keep my Goldie in the original tank
  20. T

    Will this help my fish-in cycle?

    Hello to all! I recently posted here asking for advice because my emergency fish in cycle wasn't going well. All is well at the moment with my fish but the problem is the tank water isn't making any progress. Ammonia is still present when I don't do water changes everyday and it's been about 3...
  21. T

    My filter broke, help!

    I hope you have a grand ol time with your mini party lol. It's definitely something worth celebrating. I always choose gender neutral names for my pets just in case something like this happens so I have no troubles with renaming lol. His name is Ester! (Eh-stur). I'm glad I chose a beauty :)
  22. T

    My filter broke, help!

    Oohh!! She is actually a he!!! That's great, thanks for mentioning that. I've done 3 water changes since your last reply so I hope he recovers soon!
  23. T

    My filter broke, help!

    She's active here and there especially when I approach the tank. Today I fed her a single flake to see how her appetite was. You'd think I starved her for a week the way she darted at the food lol. No appetite issues. Ahh!! I'm really sorry you're going through a mini cycle!! It's really is...
  24. T

    My filter broke, help!

    Also yes, I added all the bio media that was in the previous filter to the new one
  25. T

    My filter broke, help!

    Thank you for the information! I'll be sure to keep a close eye on my parameters, fish, and and so on. I think I have enough flow?? I have a sponge filter on one end of the tank and the aqua clear filter on the other end. It's flow is on the highest.
  26. T

    My filter broke, help!

    Sorry if I wasnt very clear yes I meant the ph. I'll try to be more patient with the fish's recovery
  27. T

    My filter broke, help!

    Everything is 0. I tested the ph and I believe its inbetween 6.4 and 6.8. It was always like that in the 20 gallon but now I'm a bit concerned if that's where the stress is stemming from.
  28. T

    My filter broke, help!

    Hey! Thanks for the response. I think I'm currently going through a mini cycle?? Although I'm unsure at this point. I've had this 20 gallon tank for about 3 to 4 months and it fully cycled at 2 months. Unfortunately the filter broke and I had to replace it. Small amounts of ammonia started to...
  29. T

    My filter broke, help!

    My fish has been doing a lot of bottom sitting today. I did another water change this morning . Idk if that was too much?? Or my fish is still reacting to the ammonia poisoning it has currently?
  30. T

    My filter broke, help!

    Gotcha! Thanks so much for all the help. I'll be sure to feed as light as I can. I'll update if there's any change, good or bad.
  31. T

    My filter broke, help!

    Here's the results I got after testing the water. Are these acceptable ranges?? The ammonia vile has the tiniest tinge of green but even when my tank was cycled the yellow had always looked like that. Should I do another water change??
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  33. T

    My filter broke, help!

    I just got done with the water change and did about 75% and will be sure to test the water in half an hour. I'm glad to hear that my fish looks good putting aside everything that's happened. I'll be sure to check out the link that you sent right now.
  34. T

    My filter broke, help!

    Aahh! Thanks so much for sending this video. It helps a lot! I just replied to colin with a picture of what my fish currently looks like. Idk if you would like to take a look as well. Thank you so much I'm so glad I got responses so quickly before this turned into a huge mess (even though it...
  35. T

    My filter broke, help!

    Here's a picture as promised. I hope the quality allows you to see what I've been talking about with the red looking veins in tail and also those white/transparent dots near the gils. I feel so bad for letting this happen to a fish so I will do an immediate large water change right now. Much...
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  37. T

    My filter broke, help!

    Thank you so much. This was most helpful. I'll be sure to get a good photo of her asap!
  38. T

    My filter broke, help!

    Photos coming soon also, I'm currently out and about
  39. T

    My filter broke, help!

    Thank you so much for the detailed reply. Sorry I failed to mention that I did immediately replace the broken filter and filled it with the old cycled media. I have been doing water changes almost everyday but was hesitating recently because I read somewhere that you want to keep some of the...
  40. T

    My filter broke, help!

    I had an extra filter on hand but unfortunately wasnt the same brand. I put the new filter with the old bio media as soon as the old one broke. Idk if that was a mistake though because I also read somewhere where you shouldnt throw away the broken filter right away. Thanks for the reply! I...