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  1. N

    How often do i do water changes?

    I have that filter media in image above and I have a filter sponge. The cleaning method you said refers to sponge but what about the other filter media I have in image above? A what?? Sorry I'm new to this. The only filter I have are that carbon one you mentioned and a small piece of filter...
  2. N

    How often do i do water changes?

    Okay thank you for the advice :). This is not the exact filter cartridge I use but its similar. So your recommending to keep it in forever and wash with the dirty tank water? Just want to make sure we are on same page :)
  3. Screenshot_20200921-113504_Chrome.jpg


  4. N

    How often do i do water changes?

    my 5 gallon tank has cycled after 3 weeks. It is stocked with one betta, a few javaferns, annubias, and moss ball. Amonia is 0 ppm and nitrites are 0 ppm, nitrates are 5 ppm. I have a filter sponge that I never take out to keep beneficial bacteria. I need help determining when to do water...