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  1. JamieTYV

    What is this on my BN Pleco?

    He's doing just fine now, would likely never know he was ever ill! 😁 Greedy lil mo-fo too 😂
  2. JamieTYV

    What is this on my BN Pleco?

    Umm, fuel prices? 🤷🏻‍♂️ What's up wit u? 😁
  3. JamieTYV

    What is this on my BN Pleco?

    Haven’t tried it yet, usually opt for Courgette, Peppers, strawberries, sliced grapes and occasionally Cucumber. Ill give it a go as I often have a variety of “fancy” lettuces in the fridge as my spoiled Guinea Pigs love it!
  4. JamieTYV

    What is this on my BN Pleco?

    Certainly do! Just a couple minutes in boiling water then cooled and rinsed off in a jug of tank water :)
  5. JamieTYV

    What is this on my BN Pleco?

    Im still more convinced he is a he... a zoom in on one of his photos shows LOADS of bristles on his nose as well as the smaller mouth sprouts. For this reason only, I believe he is male 🤷
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  7. JamieTYV

    What is this on my BN Pleco?

    My BN is loads healthier! I’m not sure it’s 100% gone, and I’m not sure any treatment actually helped but he’s still with us and out of his hospital tank, chomping on anything I give him! Here he is enjoying some yellow pepper today! 😁
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  10. JamieTYV

    What is this on my BN Pleco?

    Update, just managed a picture, poor lad :(
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  12. JamieTYV

    What is this on my BN Pleco?

    Sorry for the late response, my shop reopened on Monday and I have had an insane amount of work to do! He’s still with us and seems to have made some improvements, he simply has white lumps now (no fuzz or “alien from the abyss” evident on him, but I fear he might have reacted poorly to the...
  13. JamieTYV

    What is this on my BN Pleco?

    He wasn’t 100% sure but was convinced there was some form of infection (fungal, parasitical or bacterial) present. He recommended protozin as it’s a very broad spectrum medication, that has proven itself to cure a LOT of fishy issues (apparently too many to list on the bottle!). He told me to...
  14. JamieTYV

    What is this on my BN Pleco?

    Just an update for anyone who is interested. He is still with us, and has undergone some further treatment... Original anti fungal (phenoxyethanol) did nothing. Half strength salt treatment did seem to help a little but nothing remarkable. Diluted the salt out and now brought out the big guns...
  15. JamieTYV

    What is this on my BN Pleco?

    Colin usually says a heaped TBSP, but I might be conservative and do a level one knowing that plecs don’t tolerate salt treatment as well as other species. Do you agree?
  16. JamieTYV

    What is this on my BN Pleco?

    Maybe you’re looking at the second “for comparison” video that someone else posted? My fish doesn’t lose control or fall over - he’s laid on the substrate all the way through my video! ?
  17. JamieTYV

    What is this on my BN Pleco?

    Thought as much, so he’s in a 28l quarantine tank (accurately calculated to 28.12l of water in a 30l tank) so half dose will be 0.5tbsp per 20l - or 0.25tbsp per 10l... 0.25 x 2.8 = 0.7tbsp for my 28l quarantine tank - essentially just a bit less than 3/4 of a tbsp... Sorry, I lack confidence...
  18. JamieTYV

    What is this on my BN Pleco?

    Now this is interesting, in all my years of fishkeeping ive never seen a BN do this, and have definitely learned something new! I actually feel like we may be quite close to an answer now, but if we have identified what the “tentacle monster” actually is, what am I best treating these white...
  19. JamieTYV

    What is this on my BN Pleco?

    Hi guys, people were asking for more pictures so I have got some. I’ve only seen the one on his left gill open up but as you can see there is now one on each gill, and potentially two more towards his tail. Whilst I appreciate suggestions about manually removing it, I really don’t think I could...
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  26. JamieTYV

    What is this on my BN Pleco?

    Oh for f*#% sake, why didn’t I think of this? ?
  27. JamieTYV

    What is this on my BN Pleco?

    In the photos and the video he was sedated after being treat with phenoxyethanol - this is an effective anti fungal treatment (what we first thought it was, before it visibly started “opening”) and also a known fish sedative. His breathing was laboured as he was very sleepy! I have contacted...
  28. JamieTYV

    What is this on my BN Pleco?

    i havent noticed an increase in size and to be fair the BN looks fairly well in himself, doesnt seem to be affecting him a great deal, as far as I can tell
  29. JamieTYV

    What is this on my BN Pleco?

    its difficult to see how deep inside the gills it goes, and it is EXACTLY the same thing i posted earlier, the "tentacles" close and end up looking like on the original pictures, then periodically open up and wave about for a few seconds before closing up again - please watch the animated GIF on...
  30. JamieTYV

    What is this on my BN Pleco?

    I am Jamie and I am indeed the OP (and Male if that information is relevant...) I can screengrab the video where the "tentacles" are shown stretched out, but as the forum doesnt let me directly upload videos, its a little difficult - particularly as the animated GIF in the first post doesnt...
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  32. JamieTYV

    What is this on my BN Pleco?

    So, he is in quarantine now, safe and sound in a nice relaxed quarantine tank. I took some more photos as requested by @Colin_T. Not the easiest task as he seems to know when the iphone is pointed at him (do iphones use lasers to assist with focus? maybe he can see them?) See attached. :) I...
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  39. JamieTYV

    What is this on my BN Pleco?

    Hi Colin_T! I aim on getting more pictures/videos today, once he is in QT it should be much easier. Levels are 0-0-5 across the board, with pH 7.2. The LFS i purchased him from said "wild caught" so no concrete proof, but I had no reason to disbelieve them.
  40. JamieTYV

    What is this on my BN Pleco?

    no, thats not usual for the gills to be like that, i agree it looks like another organism. I was told he was wild caught, so im sure its more than possible something has hitched a ride. If you are right - (and i suspect you might be) the next question would be how to get rid of it? I believe...