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  1. L

    Are my cherry shrimp eating enough?

    If your shrimp are reproducing they are likely getting enough to eat. I agree with everyone else. With that said I have added bacter AE to my planted tank with no huge issues tank still looks nice and I feel better about the shrimp in there. Honestly in an established tank they seem to do fine...
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    Shrimp for plants

    I have blue dream neocaridina in my planted tank. There are some kuli loaches a Cory ember tetras and neon tetras in there so water parameters are fine but I don’t really have to worry about those larger fish over hunting. I probably lose some babies but I started with 3 cull shrimp and now ( 3...
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    Shrimp for plants

    This is pretty late but swords would be my biggest concern. Swords (in my experiences) love shrimp and would probably snatch up any shrimp babies. I would go Neocaridinas if you’re going to try. They are hardy and would eat biofilm and leftover food rather than the pleco’s algae. They would also...
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    What species is this Cory?

    Oh and thanks!!
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    What species is this Cory?

    I think you hit the nail on the head looking at some google images. Well now to find some!
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    What species is this Cory?

    So I grabbed the last 3 of them from the LFS. And they were obviously not albinos though labeled as such the worker at the time sold them to me as albinos since he did not know what they were. This was a couple of years ago and 2 have died I want to get him a group but have not seen any like him...
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