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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Captain holt

    Tank mates for Black ghost knife fish

    Hmmm IMO glass catfish and upside down catfish may end up as dinner eventually for the ghost knife… however I’ve had large fish with small fish without too many dramas but it really depends on the fish. I probably wouldn’t risk it but it’s up to you. If you’re after a pleco in this setup I’d go...
  2. Captain holt

    Gentle giant- Oscar

    That’s understandable, live feeding would definitely increase aggression towards smaller fish that resemble feeder fish. As well as trying to minimise any aggression within my tanks I also don’t feed feeder fish due to any health issues or parasites these fish may come with (unless of course...
  3. Captain holt

    Oscars are great pets

    I add it to my shopping list!
  4. Captain holt

    Gentle giant- Oscar

    I love Charlie’s colours 😍
  5. Captain holt

    Oscars are great pets

    Such an eager fish! That ox heart must be amazing, Rudy is gonna love it!
  6. Captain holt

    Gentle giant- Oscar

    I have heard about the benefits of ox heart especially for discus but I haven’t ever fed Rudy ox heart. It’s definitely on the list to try out, thank you! I’ll check out the video of Charlie now :)
  7. Captain holt

    Gentle giant- Oscar

    That’s fair, however at the moment the eba isnt showing signs of stress. He’s coloured up very well since I bought I’m two weeks ago, he’s eating like a champ and he swims up to the glass when I’m near the tank. However, it is a very fair pint that you’ve made. If things look like they’re going...
  8. Captain holt

    Eba advice ,

    I’ve raised a few batches of eba in the past. From my experience they can be excellent parents and it will help to keep the fry with the parents. They will fiercely defend their babies so at least a few will survive to free swimmers. Once they’re free swimming tho I’d recommend moving them to a...
  9. Captain holt

    Gentle giant- Oscar

    Hahaha I’m hoping she remains peaceful 😂 she is definitely a spoilt fish tho! Gets fed a cube of brine shrimp and a couple prawns every few days plus hikari gold that she munches on very loudly 😂 if she does start to show signs of aggression I have a couple tanks that my eba can go to!
  10. Captain holt

    Tank mates for Black ghost knife fish

    I definitely wouldn’t put a BGK in with a bichir. I unfortunately did that and ended up with a dead ghost knife :( I would recommend plecos tho. I’ve currently got a sailfin in with my bichir and the get along well, often sleeping under the same driftwood. If you could get your hands on an L600...
  11. Captain holt

    Gentle giant- Oscar

    Anyone else’s Oscar been a gentle giant? I’ve had my fair share of psychotic oscars lol but since buying Rudy around a year ago I’ve noticed that she’s been the most placid and gentle Oscar I’ve ever had. She’s been raised up around some very small fish and whilst intrigued by them, hasn’t ever...
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  14. Captain holt

    Ring on Oscar?? Help

    Thank you very much! Hmmm possibly but I do have a heater guard on so I’m guessing maybe not… most likely my pleco had a taste 😂
  15. Captain holt

    Ring on Oscar?? Help

    Thank you, I always thought that all plecos handled medication pretty badly… I just added a little bit of stress coat
  16. Captain holt

    Ring on Oscar?? Help

    Thank you very much, she’s a superstar!
  17. Captain holt

    Ring on Oscar?? Help

    Ahhh that would make sense, surprised the little guy had a go at Rudy 😂
  18. Captain holt

    Ring on Oscar?? Help

    Woke up this morning to check on my Oscar and noticed an oval ring on her side. I honestly have no idea what it is… Tank is 5ftX1.5ftX1.5ft Temp: 27.5°c Ph: 6-6.5 Nitrites and ammonia: 0ppm Nitrates: 25ppm (about to do a water change) Filter: 1800Lp/h other tank inhabitants: Senegal bichir...
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  22. Captain holt

    Oscar tank setups

    Water sprite would be a great idea as my bichir loved hanging around the floating plants I had in the old tank. I probably won’t put a picture on the back. The back of the tank is poorly applied window frost (my bad) with neon lights behind it. Just have to finish setting up the lights and I’ll...
  23. Captain holt

    Oscar tank setups

    I would definitely love to plant some vals thank you for the idea! They would cover the window frost that I poorly put on the back :)
  24. Captain holt

    Oscar tank setups

    Would love some aqua scaping inspiration! Post photos of your Oscar tanks below :) This is mine currently. 5ft x 1.5ft x1.5ft. Home to: - 1 Oscar (Rudy) - 1 Senegal bichir (Bruce) - 1 albino sailfin pleco (Boris īī ) A wee bit on the small side but everyone seems happy :)
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  28. Captain holt

    L600 babies for sale

    Im picking up an 8cm one this weekend so I’m probably not looking to get more any time soon. Was a bit curious though. How big are yours and how much you thinking of selling them for?
  29. Captain holt

    L600 babies for sale

    How much did you end up selling them for?
  30. Captain holt

    Identifying discus varieties

    Yes I definitely will!
  31. Captain holt

    Identifying discus varieties

    Perfect thank you for that. Also thank you for the advice regarding my plants, I’ve only been chucking in flourish excel so I will definitely look into secondary plant ferts.
  32. Captain holt

    Fin rot or tear?

    I second this after reading how small your tank is :)
  33. Captain holt

    Identifying discus varieties

    Hey guys, just wondering if I could please get some help identifying what varieties these discus are? I’m new to discus keeping and recently purchased these two to go alongside two other juvies. Additionally, when I bought the red one the black spots were covering almost it’s whole body but I...
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  38. Captain holt

    Need help sexing Apistogramma cacatuoides

    Thank you! Much appreciated!
  39. Captain holt

    Need help sexing Apistogramma cacatuoides

    I’m not too sure if they’re both the same age... I did however buy them at the same time from the same aquarium. The bigger one follows the small one around the aquarium and occasionally ‘charges’ at it but they also sleep in the same cave so I’m not too sure if that helps at all
  40. Captain holt

    Need help sexing Apistogramma cacatuoides

    Thank you for the advice! If by chance you have any ideas, can you identify what kind of cacatuoides the big male is by his markings?