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  1. SpotiKona

    Guppy Troubles

    Water change is complete now with the addition of aquarium salt. Unfortunately, I did not think to take photos of the fish that passed away before I disposed of them. If it would be helpful to see pictures of the survivors to check them for diseases, let me know. While I am no expert, the...
  2. SpotiKona

    Guppy Troubles

    How do I remove the salt from the warm water? Or, do I pour the salt water directly into the aquarium? Thanks!
  3. SpotiKona

    Guppy Troubles

    Thanks for the responses. Would this aquarium salt be okay? I don't have any on hand, so I will have to pick some up. What exactly did you mean by dissolved? Do I have to dissolve the salt before adding it to the tank? As far as pH goes, how would I go about increasing that? Thanks again.
  4. SpotiKona

    Guppy Troubles

    Hello again, Tank size: 5 gallons Temperature: 78° F Filter: Regular carbon Heater: Yes Water changes: 10 to 25% weekly Treatments: Tetra SafeStart+ (initially), API Stress Coat+ (regularly) Tank mates: 4 (down to 2) guppies pH: Stable 6.6 Ammonia: Less than 0.25 ppm Nitrite: Somewhere between...
  5. SpotiKona

    More Betta Troubles

    Thanks for the response! I went straight to Furan-2 only because of how well it worked a few months ago. I completed the 4-day treatment yesterday, including two 25% water changes. The tank is bare other than a few decorations, which I could easily remove for cleaning purposes. My betta is the...
  6. SpotiKona

    More Betta Troubles

    Hi again, Tank configuration: 75° F 5.5-gallon with filter + heater You might remember me from my thread during late August. After completing the treatment of Furan-2, my betta made a full recovery. I have also since upgraded his tank to 5.5-gallons. I first noticed that something was off...
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  8. SpotiKona

    Betta Fish Hanging Out at Bottom of Tank & Breathing Heavy

    Thanks for the tip about using old tank water to preserve beneficial bacteria! I have no plans to keep the old tank running at the moment, but if I were to keep it running, I wouldn't use it for any fish. The shrimp setup does sound kind of cool, though; I may have to look at that! I also took...
  9. SpotiKona

    Betta Fish Hanging Out at Bottom of Tank & Breathing Heavy

    I wanted to post a happy update: I began treatment of the water with Furan-2 yesterday. It has worked wonders! I am pleased to report that my betta is once again swimming around his tank! It caught me completely off guard this afternoon when I noticed that he was swimming :) He even gobbled up a...
  10. SpotiKona

    Betta Fish Hanging Out at Bottom of Tank & Breathing Heavy

    So the Furan-2 would be preferable to Erythromycin? I could get either one.
  11. SpotiKona

    Betta Fish Hanging Out at Bottom of Tank & Breathing Heavy

    @Stefan3289 Thanks for the info! I don't currently use any aquarium salt; I will look into that. @Deanasue To clarify, you're recommending E.M. Erythromycin? I'm going to be heading to the local pet store tomorrow so let me know if there are any other medications I should purchase.
  12. SpotiKona

    Betta Fish Hanging Out at Bottom of Tank & Breathing Heavy

    @AdoraBelle Dearheart If the damage were too extensive, would he continue surviving for much longer like this or would he eventually die? I feel bad because he must be suffering a great deal. He is not eating regularly, but he does accept a few pellets every so often. I believe I last fed him...
  13. SpotiKona

    Betta Fish Hanging Out at Bottom of Tank & Breathing Heavy

    Hi again. I'm really at a loss here. I've been keeping up with the daily water changes while waiting on the new tank to be cycled. The ammonia level has been at zero for several days now. Unfortunately, my betta's condition is getting worse by the day. I've noticed that his scales appear to be...
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  15. SpotiKona

    Betta Fish Hanging Out at Bottom of Tank & Breathing Heavy

    @FishBearer9845 & @essjay Thank you for the tip! I'll wash the filter using tank water from now on. @AdoraBelle Dearheart Thank you very much for the detailed explanations. I figured the recommendation to replace the filter cartridge monthly was bogus but never gave the water change...
  16. SpotiKona

    Betta Fish Hanging Out at Bottom of Tank & Breathing Heavy

    @Ch4rlie Thanks for the resources on tank cycling! I'll take a closer look at those tomorrow. @Lajos_Detari Thanks for the instructions. I'll give the methylene blue dip a shot when I get the chance. @essjay Yes, I do use tap water to clean the filter. Any thoughts on how to address the fin rot?
  17. SpotiKona

    Betta Fish Hanging Out at Bottom of Tank & Breathing Heavy

    @PheonixKingZ Thanks for the suggestions on the larger tank. I am looking into possibly upgrading his tank soon. @Ch4rlie To be honest, I'm not quite sure what cycling a tank constitutes. My tank houses only the one betta; I followed the steps provided by the pet store when adding him to the...
  18. SpotiKona

    Betta Fish Hanging Out at Bottom of Tank & Breathing Heavy

    I had a few readings at zero, so I reverted to weekly water changes. Should I continue to perform daily water changes regardless of the water parameters? Here is the filter that I'm using. I clean the filter using a hose & compressed air. I do not cover the top of the tank; a pet store employee...
  19. SpotiKona

    Betta Fish Hanging Out at Bottom of Tank & Breathing Heavy

    Could the fin rot be responsible for causing his other symptoms as well? I did get around to testing the water parameters again. Nitrite & nitrate levels were both still at zero. Ammonia had crept back up a bit, so I performed another 80% water change. I don't believe his scales are sticking...
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  21. SpotiKona

    Betta Fish Hanging Out at Bottom of Tank & Breathing Heavy

    @PheonixKingZ Sorry for the tag. Would you happen to have any thoughts on this?
  22. SpotiKona

    Betta Fish Hanging Out at Bottom of Tank & Breathing Heavy

    I took a closer look because I noticed that his fins looked odd while he was swimming around. I was shocked to see that his fins have become clamped together. Does this look like a case of fin rot or something more serious? I suspect he's going to require medication of some sort as water changes...
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  25. SpotiKona

    Betta Fish Hanging Out at Bottom of Tank & Breathing Heavy

    Water quality doesn't appear to be an issue anymore. I've tried feeding him blood worms, but he ignores those as well. I kind of doubt he's suddenly decided he dislikes the pellets as he also ignores movement outside of his tank. For example, occasionally, he used to flare when people approached...
  26. SpotiKona

    Betta Fish Hanging Out at Bottom of Tank & Breathing Heavy

    Hello, I'm posting again because his symptoms have not improved nor gotten worse. He still moves around the tank periodically, occasionally coming to the top for air, as shown in the video linked in the original post. I was able to get him to eat about four pellets a few days ago, but he has not...
  27. Fish September 3.jpg

    Fish September 3.jpg

  28. SpotiKona

    Betta Fish Hanging Out at Bottom of Tank & Breathing Heavy

    I will look into getting him a larger tank. Thanks for the recommendations!
  29. SpotiKona

    Betta Fish Hanging Out at Bottom of Tank & Breathing Heavy

    I hope he recovers too. Thank you for all the help!
  30. SpotiKona

    Betta Fish Hanging Out at Bottom of Tank & Breathing Heavy

    I appreciate the feedback! As per my latest reading, pH is now neutral & ammonia level is zero. Unfortunately, he's still not interested in food. Interestingly enough, he's hanging out at the top of the tank now, resting on the heater. I take it he's enjoying the warmth :) I know I've only had...
  31. SpotiKona

    Betta Fish Hanging Out at Bottom of Tank & Breathing Heavy

    Thanks for all the suggestions! I did measure the pH again last night. It still read 6.0. However, after the 80% water change, pH increased to 6.8. Ammonia levels have also improved today; the new reading is about 0.25 parts per million. I will continue to change his water daily until the...
  32. SpotiKona

    Betta Fish Hanging Out at Bottom of Tank & Breathing Heavy

    Thanks for the replies! Sorry for my late response; I went out to get a test kit. Here are the water parameters: pH: Less than or equal to 6.0* Ammonia: About 1.0 parts per million Nitrite: None detected Nitrate: None detected *Kit could not display pH lower than 6.0 To answer a few questions...
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  34. SpotiKona

    Betta Fish Hanging Out at Bottom of Tank & Breathing Heavy

    Howdy, Tank size: 2 gallon Temperature: 80° F Filter? Yes Heater? Yes Water change ritual: 10% weekly Treatments: API Stress Coat+ following a weekly water change Tank mates? None I have not included other water parameters because I do not own a master test kit. However, if these parameters...