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  1. L

    Help me find out what's wrong with my pleco

    Thanks, you're the second person to mention Lymphocystis actually, got mentioned on a different site. I can't medicate for parasites/fungus at the moment anyway as there's still ich meds in the water. I'll continue to monitor and see how it goes for now. Appreciate the input.
  2. L

    Help me find out what's wrong with my pleco

    Here's a different angle from today (in the shadows so not super clear). looks like there might be a little on it's fin on that side as well? Not going to upload it, but it looks perfectly normal on the whole other side of it's body.
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  4. L

    Help me find out what's wrong with my pleco

    Yeah i know haha, general searching around the internet isn't coming up with anything either :( Sorry, reading my last post back it come off as a bit rude, it was more meant to be "it can't be common because i'm not hearing anything certain" I didn't think it was ich, way too big. Unless...
  5. L

    Help me find out what's wrong with my pleco

    I'll have to try get a close look later on and check out it's other side, thank you. And yeah i'm kind of stumped. I've asked on another forum and on reddit and I'm not getting much back of "it's definitely this" which I usually do... I'll report back later anyway to update if it's on both sides...
  6. L

    Help me find out what's wrong with my pleco

    Not that I've noticed, if there is something on the other side then it's not as pronounced as this. It swam away when i moved to try to get a look at the other side and it's usually on the back of a plant or something, going to have another good look later on today and see what I can see. What...
  7. L

    Help me find out what's wrong with my pleco

    Hi all, Please can anyone help identify what is happening with my pleco, it doesn't look normal... looks kind of like a couple of grains of rice are in it. one near/in it's gill and another on it's side. Possibly more elsewhere but it's hard to get a good look at it. We recently had an ich...
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