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  1. G

    Over the Back Filter

    that would also be a good solution, when i first got my bristlenose pleco, he raised a lot of sand and it clogged up the filter, and after raising the intake the problem was solved
  2. G

    Are these worms on mt tank glass

    Those worms seem to be above the water line. If that's the case then they are probably maggots of some kind, at least where I live, there are fly species that love to lay eggs in high-humidity environments and as such end up doing it in people's aquariums sometimes, and those in the pictures...
  3. G

    Over the Back Filter

    if the sand is taken in by the inlet then you could use an inlet sponge, and maybe some filter floss on the media compartment to filter out the finest particles.
  4. G

    Opinions on neon tetras

    I like them quite a lot, they are very pretty. Yes, it is quite true that they are quite inbred, but as far as I know that only affects them in the way of deformities but as far as making them less resilient, not quite. As far as my experience goes. And yes, I would recommend them to everyone...
  5. G

    would the apistos breed?

    Thanks a lot for the info, now i see why they weren't talked about in the apisto forums lol. But what about pencil fish then? I hear they need much smaller shoals, do well in as small as 10-gallon tanks and for what i read they are the most commonly used dithers for apistos. And when the pair...
  6. G

    would the apistos breed?

    long time no see tff. I have a spare 15-gallon tank and a cave, and I want to keep a pair of Apistogramma cacatuoides, the thing is that I was wondering if I could keep like 4 or so dwarf rainbows as dither fish but still have the apistos breed. I also have a spare 5-gallon to breed said...
  7. G

    puffer temptation

    hope you can get them soon!
  8. G

    puffer temptation

    I don't have the space for another 31 gallon :( but i was thinking about getting a 10-12 gallon tank and get either a fang's puffer or a red eye puffer, since both have that classic puffer shape, behavior and diet, and are more manageable in size
  9. G

    puffer temptation

    Thanks a lot, i will have to decline the offer then
  10. G

    puffer temptation

    Thanks for the info, i mean, if even the smallest of puffers can be a danger then i guess that a bigger one will just be worse
  11. G

    puffer temptation

    Hello everyone!. a dude in a local fish group is selling a green spotted puffer for 5 dollars and upon research, I see that they come from Indonesia and can live in a 31 gallon, so that would technically mean that it could live in my Indonesian biotope project, the thing here is that I worry if...
  12. G

    My Asian swamp aquarium!

    its not a store problem, its a FedEx problem
  13. G

    My Asian swamp aquarium!

    yeah, if they arrive by the 25th then it will have taken them a whole month to arrive... there seem to be some problems in the Mexico delivery system, a few other packages from family and friends have taken up to 3 months to arrive so it doesn't really surprise me.
  14. G

    My Asian swamp aquarium!

    thanks, I did things as well as my resources allowed me, now let's just hope my plants arrive soon so that my beloved gourami pair can have the biotope they deserve
  15. G

    My Asian swamp aquarium!

    hello! so seeing that a few people replied recently and that I haven't had an update in almost a month I will update everyone who reads this in a few things, as well as answer some of the comments. ok so for starters, I got the filter and heater a few days after the post but forgot to post it...
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  27. G

    Worm? Poop?

    did you acclimate them properly? thy tend to be quite delicate to sudden changes in water parameters
  28. G

    Worm? Poop?

    it is poop unless it starts moving or wriggling. On another note tho, otocinclus are gregarious fish so having only one is bad for the fish health, keep at least 6 to make sure they are happy
  29. G

    My Asian swamp aquarium!

    thanks for the good wishes
  30. G

    My Asian swamp aquarium!

    in the past in this forum I have mentioned that I had a plan for a Sumatran swamp biotope aquarium, well, I finally started and I decided that I am gonna start a journal so you can all see how my project goes and give me tips and recommendations. First some backstory: around June 2020 I...
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  39. G

    Little River Rio

    i mean, it still looks fantastic so i guess it wasn't that bad was it?
  40. G

    Identify this pleco?

    said it once say it again, then I own a FRCKIN GREEN DRAGON! THAT'S SO GREAT