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  1. B

    2 bettas dead

    Ok ima go first thing in the morning, do you reccomend a whole tank treatment since its already killed a betta and is getting ready to kill another.
  2. B

    2 bettas dead

    Tank size:37 pH:6.5 ammonia:0 nitrite:0 nitrate:20 kH: gH: tank temp:75
  3. B

    2 bettas dead

    I had 2 bettas one female, one male, the male was put away in a breeder box due to him being a bully to everyother fish but the second betta. Well i came home and the female is dead, all white with white eyes, then i look at the male and hes pail, theyres white stuff coming out of his mouth
  4. Snapchat-951105617.jpg


  5. Snapchat-1257322103.jpg

