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  1. M

    Sudden Dwarf Gourami Death

    Thats what I thought might be a possibility, mainly due to the way he moved and jerked in the water just after I freed him. This is the heater I have, the 100W version
  2. M

    Sudden Dwarf Gourami Death

    No signs at all on his body of any kind of disease, checked before and after taking him out of the tank. I've got hard water (I know they prefer softer), pH of 7.5 but like I mentioned he's been in the tank for a couple of months now and has been getting on great. No ammonia or nitrite either.
  3. M

    Sudden Dwarf Gourami Death

    I've had my male dwarf gourami for a couple of months now and hes been very happy and healthy. I fed him this morning and he was eating fine, then about 15 minutes later I noticed he had positioned himself between the heater and the filter box and looked as if he wasn't able to turn around and...
  4. M

    Tank Ideas for a 60 Litre

    I've been testing pretty frequently and have had zero ammonia and nitrites for a while even after adding the fish (have only had fish in the tank for just over 2 weeks). Nitrates have been lower than 20ppm so far, and I'm doing weekly water changes just to keep on top of it.
  5. M

    Tank Ideas for a 60 Litre

    Thanks for the thorough reply. Yeah I think what I'm missing is more fish that swim in the middle of the tank. The guppies tend to stick closer to the top so at a glance from a distance it can appear as if there isn't anything in there.
  6. M

    Tank Ideas for a 60 Litre

    Thanks! I'll get some more cories. Do you have any potential suggestions for middle of tank shoaling fish that would be suitable?
  7. M

    Tank Ideas for a 60 Litre

    Cool, I do like them so am not averse to more. How many should be optimum for a tank of this size?
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    Tank Ideas for a 60 Litre

    Hey. I've recently started my first tank which is a 60 litre that has the following fish/creatures in it: 6 Male Guppies 2 Dwarf Gouramis (2 male, yes I got some bad advice here) 3 Panda Cories 1 Nerite Snail 4 Amano Shrimp I'm wondering what would be best to add to the tank from here. I'd...
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  10. M

    Replacing Carbon Advice

    Yep my filter sponge looks exactly like that. Just to be clear on what I shouldn't be using in my tank, this is the Flourish Excel I have been using
  11. M

    Replacing Carbon Advice

    Ok thats concerning regarding Flourish Excel. What brand/product would you recommend to help feed my plants? I don't have a CO2 system in place and hadn't really planned to. I have been using this product as well. Will this be sufficient?
  12. M

    Replacing Carbon Advice

    Thanks for the advice. Probably a real noob question, but what is the carbon actually helping out with at the moment in the tank, i.e. why is it in there in the first place? I'm currently dosing the tank with some Flourish Excel to help out with the plants I've got. I've read that the carbon...
  13. M

    Replacing Carbon Advice

    I have one of these which came with the default filter media rather than the Aqua Internal crystal clear filter media in the description.
  14. M

    Replacing Carbon Advice

    Would something like this be appropriate? How long would it last?
  15. M

    Replacing Carbon Advice

    Hi there! I'm new to the hobby having set up my first fish tank 6 weeks ago, with fish in for around 2 weeks now. Its a 60 litre with carbon inside the filter sponge. What I'm wondering is when is it best to replace the carbon? Are there any tell tale signs to look out for that would indicate to...