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  1. MyztixSoundZ

    82 too hot for betta!

    Yea iirc, 80 degrees F is like on the top end of what is suitible for bettas but, 76 is like perfect for them so ye, removing the heater is a good idea.
  2. MyztixSoundZ

    Water Cloudiness???

    @utahfish @Byron @Retired Viking Thank you three for the help and advice. The other supplements have been canned and when I did an ~85% water change, I found some botannical pods that were heavily decomposing so, those most definitely exacerbated the problem. The water did clear up a bit last...
  3. MyztixSoundZ

    Water Cloudiness???

    Okie dokie. Would it be safe/okay to just go ahead and put in the new driftwood and plants or wait till things clear up?
  4. MyztixSoundZ

    Water Cloudiness???

    Okay I'll stop using those for now and do another water change and see if that helps. I did move the betta and one of the frogs to another tank to chill for a bit. Do you have any idea as to why this is only starting to happen now as opposed to a month or two ago?
  5. MyztixSoundZ

    Water Cloudiness???

    API Stress Coat declorinator, and API Stress Zyme. And I use Leaf Guard, Flourish, and Flourish Exel for the plants. The filters I have are two of the bettaflowfilters, and as far as cleaning goes, I swish them around in the water that I've taken out so I don't lose any beneficail bacteria.
  6. MyztixSoundZ

    Water Cloudiness???

    Okay so I've had this tank set up for abotu 4 months now, been cycled a long time ago, and I've added a few shrimps, 2 AFD's, and a male betta. Only recently (about last two weeks) this cloudiness has started happening to the tank, either a few hours after I feed the guys inside or the lights...
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  11. MyztixSoundZ

    Came attached to some "Assorted Plants" from LFS. Need help ID-ing

    Yikes sorry sorry, shoulda came earlier. Now that I look at it, it is hard to tell what I'm referring ot exactly, sorry sorry. Also all of these seemed pretty different so I assumed they were just different types of plants as opposed ot different stages of the same plant. So by what it looks...
  12. MyztixSoundZ

    Came attached to some "Assorted Plants" from LFS. Need help ID-ing

    Found these when I purchased some Hornwort yesterday and I would like to know what these are to better care for them (or whether or not to put them in my blackwater tank)