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  1. R

    Swim bladder issues with oranda goldfish

    Apologies for the delayed response. My tank dimensions are 48″ x 18″ x 24″. Should I separate my fish from this tank?
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    Swim bladder issues with oranda goldfish

    I purchased all the fishes from a breeder (zhaos fancy oranda). This particular one is almost 4 years old now and approximately 5.5inch. Off lately I’ve also noticed that he’s not growing by size compared to the other oranda of his age. Yes, I have observed the sensitivity to nitrate this fish...
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    Swim bladder issues with oranda goldfish

    Hello, One of my Thai oranda goldfish is fighting with swim bladder issues for a month now(it has been on and off), he is floating upside down in the fish tank. I have a total of 4 thai oranda goldfish and 1 butterfly moor in a 85G fish tank. All other fishes are doing great except this one...
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    Aquarium plants turning black

    I just read online that Seachem Flourish Excel would help, is this true?
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    Aquarium plants turning black

    Hello, My aquarium plants are turning black not sure whats going on. It’s been a while since I’ve been trying to fix it. I have a canister filter. I have low Ph around 6, but ammonia, nitrite and nitrite seem to be fine. Any help is appreciated
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  12. R

    Is my fish pregnant or sick?

    One of my molly fish seems to be pregnant, but I’m not sure about it. Compared to the other molly fishes in the tank, this fish has a big tummy. Also I’m not sure if its a male or a female fish. Thanks in advance
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    One of my rainbow fish isn't eating any food except blood worms

    Hello all, One of my adult rainbow fish is not eating any food except for bloodworms. I tried giving him flake food, freeze dried blood worms, brine shrimp, cucumbers, peas also vegetable flakes for freshwater fish. I have a planted tank and he doesn't munch on any of the plants too. It's...
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    Who is eating my neon tetra?

    Unfortunately, I don't have another tank. Currently, it's just a 75g tank and a 10g hospital tank
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    Who is eating my neon tetra?

    Thank You so very much for your input. I'm not sure if I should return the 11 tetras
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    Who is eating my neon tetra?

    Hello all, I had a 36 gallon planted aquarium until 2 months back which had 15 neon tetra, 3 bosmani rainbow fish, 2 albino cory catfish, 6 guppies, 4 platties. Everyone was doing great until I just upgraded my tank to a 75 gallon planted tank and added few fishes. My current tank had these...
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