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  1. K

    Dropsy or Something Else

    Can you walk me through the water change? 1-I should have a bucket of clean room temperature, treated water right? This water will be poured back into the tank. 2-Clean the water filter and media with the water that I remove from the tank? Or just rinse with tape water? 3-should I rinse the...
  2. K

    Dropsy or Something Else

    Biggie was dead this morning :-( Up until today, the fish hadn’t pooped and wouldn’t eat. I thought that maybe it was a pregnant female full of eggs and we don’t have a male. It was just hiding in the castle day after day. I got it to go to the top of tank for a good portion of the day...
  3. K

    Dropsy or Something Else

    Ok thank you so much
  4. K

    Dropsy or Something Else

    Do I have to treat the sick fish externally or can I add it to my tank with the other fish? I found this: People also recommend Pima...
  5. K

    Dropsy or Something Else

    Can you recommend a deworming medication?
  6. K

    Dropsy or Something Else

    I had my water tested yesterday and it was stable. I have had the fish for 4 weeks. It was big on arrival hence the name “Biggie” but it got worse... it swelled more over time. The tank is 36 gallons. I’m coming up on 5 weeks and I will change the water this week. The picture is the only one...
  7. 31EDE57D-2D7F-495E-B59D-1CA199C84D73.jpeg


  8. K

    Dropsy or Something Else

    Hi Everyone, I have a sick Gourami “Biggie”. He is swollen and is struggling to stay up. He was big when I got him. He can get to the top of the tank but hasn’t eaten in a week and sinks to the bottom of the tank. He has been doing them for three weeks. The pet store told me to add aquarium...