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  1. 66933271-7125-41E9-AA3B-D01752360E72.jpeg


  2. FishFry420

    Pregnant guppy?

    Wow.. Thank you!! Very helpful I will get on that right away. What does the salt do?
  3. FishFry420

    Pregnant guppy?

    My guppy has been “pregnant” for a few months maybe 3, what is happening? she has only gotten bigger
  4. 7A49CA66-D209-436C-A255-A70D8DEA2CDE.jpeg


  5. BE8D45D6-D4A0-4DA6-B2B9-D23E7971FB09.jpeg


  6. FishFry420


  7. FishFry420

    Pregnant Guppy

    what should I do to ensure she isnt stressed? should I get a tank for her to give birth in?
  8. FishFry420

    Pregnant Guppy

    yes, I have about 7 other fish with her
  9. FishFry420

    Pregnant Guppy

    its not stuck! I had just dropped sum food in before taking the picture :)
  10. FishFry420

    Pregnant Guppy

    Hey guys, ive had this pregnant guppy for a minute now and an wondering when shes supposed to pop?? can anyone tell me by looking at her?
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  12. FishFry420

    Nipping Glowfish

    Thank you In addition to the tetras and guppies I have a black molly. Petco said for this size tank getting more would be pushing it (currently at 8 total), do u still think I should get more?
  13. FishFry420

    Nipping Glowfish

    Hi,I have 4 glowfish tetras along with sum guppies in my 20gal I'm not sure which of them is doing the nipping, but ome of my tetras tails has been nipped so extremely, down to nubs and im concerned :( The other tetras have little to none damage to their fins. What do I do!!!
  14. FishFry420

    Is my guppy pregnant?

    Hl]ow long do u think?
  15. FishFry420

    Is my guppy pregnant?

    Will do. Thank you!
  16. FishFry420

    Is my guppy pregnant?

    cool thanks
  17. FishFry420

    Is my guppy pregnant?

    Hey guys I recently got a female guppy and wondering if she's pregnant?
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  20. FishFry420

    Pooping Black Molly

    Hi Everyone. I just got a male black molly earlier today and it is pooping so much, Im a beginner at owning a fishtank but I have the basic setup 20 g tank, filter, heater, decor. I have had the tank and 4 other fish for about two weeks now and got three more today (the black molly and two...