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  1. M

    Betta losing colour?

    Hi! sorry for the late reply, if you could look at the reply I posted to the person below I have attached pictures, the water is perfect, I tested it earlier and all okay yet fins seem to be getting worse, it’s very worrying and I don’t know what else I can do. Any help would be soooo appreciated :)
  2. M

    Betta losing colour?

    The first picture is when I first got him, and the second one is just now. The water is well within the safe levels and there doesn’t seem to be any fin nipping. I went to the pet shop and they didn’t think it was fin rot however the fin does seems to be worsening. The fish is now a metallic...
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    Betta losing colour?

    Hello everyone, I bought a Betta fish around 6 weeks ago and he was so bright and colourful. I’ve been staying in contact with the shop and my water is all good throughout. However I have noticed that his fins are losing colour and he isn’t so vibrant anymore. I have bought a floating plant...
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    Betta tail has changed? is it hurt?

    Hi everyone! I did a post a few days ago and my poor bettas fins have gotten worse. I have had her about two months and she was fine, her fins were beautiful and healthy. In the past week or so I noticed her back fin looked ripped. She used to have a slight square notch out her fin and now it...
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    Betta tail has changed? is it hurt?

    Hello! thankyou so much! I was worried he was catching it on something :( so even though he didn’t have this split when I bought him is it just that he has grown into it? thanks!
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  15. M

    Betta tail has changed? is it hurt?

    Hi everyone, so I have had my Betta fish for approximately 5-6 weeks now and I have noticed a change in tail shape. When I first got him he as a square shape notch in his back tail and it was very smooth and I think just part of his build. However I have since noticed it has changed to a long...
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    Norman lampeye fish

    Hello! so I have had my tank for a month now and my betta has been in the tank for just over a week. I went to the aquatic shop today and bought 5 schooling lampeye norman fish however after introducing them to the tank one of the 5 isn’t joining the school and is just swimming in the tank...
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  18. M

    Tips for my newest Betta!

    I have just done all test strips as they came back all good I think, the ammonia test strip was slightly yellow and as long as it’s not green no action is needed I don’t think? the others also came back okay. I will read the article-thankyou for that :) I have also just messaged the shop I...
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    Tips for my newest Betta!

    Hello! thankyou so much for the reply it’s so useful! I’ve been constantly watching the fish as it’s so beautiful and I haven’t seen any fin picking personally but I will keep an eye on it-thankyou for letting me know! For the tank I added bio boost as the bottle stated and have taken it to be...
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    Tips for my newest Betta!

    Hi everyone! So yesterday I finally got my Betta! The tank has been cycled for three weeks before I got her but she’s now in and doing great. I have done research just wondered if you had any real good tips you think every Betta fish keeper should have? Also, I have been trying to identify her...
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