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  1. B

    37 Gal Stocking Ideas

    Thanks all! I suspected these websites were not accurate. It seemed too small for a fish needing to be in a group. Thank you. I'll keep researching. Apistogramma does look cool, maybe I will research those. Thanks!
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    37 Gal Stocking Ideas

    Hi all, I have a 37 gallon with 6 Diamond Tetras and 1 Albino Bristlenose Pleco. It's a planted tank and well established, I have had the tetras for 3 years. I am considering adding to the tank and was wondering if Boesemani Rainbowfish could be a candidate to add? The googling I have done...
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    Experiences with Seachem Excel Flourish or API CO2 Booster?

    Hi, I have staghorn algae in my tank that I am trying to get rid of. The algae started when I switched from a flourescent tube to a fluval 3.0 at Christmas time. When I noticed the algae 3 weeks ago or so I lowered the tank lighting to 50% strength and reduced the light time from 9 hours to 6...
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    Are shrimp compatible in my tank?

    Hi! I have a 38 gallon tank with 12 diamond tetras, 5 bronze corys and a BN pleco. I am planning to add two honey gouramis in a few weeks. I have soft acidic water. Could a few shrimp be successful in this tank without crowding anyone? Also are shrimp safe to be around live plants?
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    Help, new light and beard algae!

    I have been researching SAE fish and it seems like my water and temperature would be fine for them. And my tank only has 12 diamond tetra, 5 corycats and the BN pleco in 38 gallons... so I don't think it would be overstocking? They seem like a nice little fish and I wouldn't mind taking care of...
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    Help, new light and beard algae!

    Oh wow glad i asked! I am going to do a water change today about 40%. I plan to trim the leaves off that I see algae on and throw them away. Plus I have reduced the light by 2 hours and reduced the strength of the light during its peak daylight setting. Hopefully that will make a difference for...
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    Help, new light and beard algae!

    what are opinions on using seachem flourish excel? Is this safe for fish? Will it actually kill the algae and not cause other problems?
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    Help, new light and beard algae!

    So I got a fluval plant light to replace the cheap flourescent tube I have had on my tank and now I am noticing what I suspect is beard algae and some brown algae on the glass of my tank. The beard is on a sword plant. The new light was put on Dec 26. I keep the tank at 77 degrees farenheit. I...
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    How to avoid cyanobacteria?

    Hi, I am upgrading my lighting system from the hood/flourescent tube light that came in my Aqueon kit to a glass top and Fluval light. Since the tank will have alot more light I want to do everything I can to avoid cyanobacteria/ blue green algae because I know it is toxic to dogs. I worry...
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    Suggest fish for my 38 gal please!

    So another LFS got in honey gouramis! But they only have males. Would a single male be okay? Or do they need to have friends of their own species in the tank?
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    Suggest fish for my 38 gal please!

    Thanks for all the info folks. Of course my LFS informed they have not had Honeys in about 8 months and rarely see them gah! Any other idea on brightly colored, peaceful centerpiece fish? They did have Bolivian Rams which looked pretty cool in the store. However I am kind of hoping to get a...
  13. B

    Suggest fish for my 38 gal please!

    thank you for the info! If I do get a pair of honey gourami, if they did have the virus would it kill my tetras and corys?
  14. B

    Suggest fish for my 38 gal please!

    Thanks all! I think I am going to go with the above stocking. I definitely don't want to risk overstocking the tank and having any of the fish feel crowded or the water quality to be reduced. I am definitely excited to get the honey gourami, they look so colorful and will be a great addition if...
  15. B

    Suggest fish for my 38 gal please!

    Okay cool thank you. I change 50% of my water once a week. So I could do 3 honey gouramis, add some more corys and still do a nano tetra school and not be overstocked?
  16. B

    Suggest fish for my 38 gal please!

    Thanks all! I am thinking Honey Gourami might be a good fit. Maybe a male and female. Are honeys susceptible to the iridovirus? Or is that only dwarf gouramis? Also for the corys do I need to add more of the same exact species? Or would adding 3 of a different cory species be okay? Would...
  17. B

    Suggest fish for my 38 gal please!

    Hi there, I have a 38 gallon tank. It is 36 inches long and 12.5 inches wide. I have somewhat soft, acidic water. The tank is planted and has driftwood. I am looking for some suggestions of colorful or unique/oddball fish that could go in this setup. My current stocking is 12 diamond tetra, 5...
  18. B

    Light and hood recommendations please

    Hi, I have a 38 gallon aqueon tank. The length is 36” and width 12.5”. Right now I have the aqueon hood and light that came in the kit. It’s a 24” fluorescent tube. I am looking for recommendations on a different hood and light setup that would provide better and stronger light for ky plants...
  19. B

    Can a betta be in a community tank?

    36 inches long, 12.5 inches wide, 24 inches tall
  20. B

    Can a betta be in a community tank?

    Thanks folks! No betta then! I am trying to find a colorful fish that can be a top dweller and get along with my existing species. Would a type of Danio maybe be an option? Definitely not the giants... maybe cloud or zebra? Or is the water too warm?
  21. B

    Can a betta be in a community tank?

    Could a betta fish be a good top dwelling species to go in my 38 gallon tank with 12 Diamond Tetras, 5 bronze corys and 1 BN pleco? I keep the water at 77 F, and the water is somewhat soft and acidic. Trying to think of some good top dwellers for this tank, justnot hatchet fish they kinda...
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    What is this white stuff on my plant?

    So weird it’s gone this morning! My tank has been setup since June so weird that something would pop up like styrafoam now. I did do a 50% water change the day before so maybe it stirred something up. Weird!
  23. B

    What is this white stuff on my plant?

    Anyone know what this white stuff/dots is on my floating water sprite plant? It is right at the surface, appearing to float on the surface of the water atop my water sprite. Photos attached. This tank is 38gal freshwater, contains diamond tetras, bronzecories, pepper cories, BN pleco and a...
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  27. B

    Are these snails? Should I remove them?

    So it looks like I do have Ramshorn snails, spotted a bigger one today.... I read an article stating these snails could transmit parasites/flukes to my fish.... is this true? I was planning to leave a couple of them in the tank for waste clean up, but reading that now I am worried to leave them...
  28. B

    How to dose water changes with a Python?

    Thanks all! So it sounds like I had it right.... only add conditioner according to the amount of NEW water being added. I am using API Tap Water conditioner too.
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    How to dose water changes with a Python?

    Hello, I just purchased a Python to do my water changes. So far I've done two water changes and when doing them, I dosed tap water conditioner according to the volume of water I was changing. However I have read some conflicting information online. When using a Python, should I dose the...
  30. B

    Are these snails? Should I remove them?

    Found two very tiny creatures in my tank tonight. I think they are snails? Should I remove them? Will they multiply like crazy and take over the tank? What are the procs and cons of snails??? Photos attached.
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  34. B

    Lost two corycats... cause?

    Thanks so much everyone! This really helps, and getting the API Master Kit should hopefully mean my readings are accurate now. I will be increasing my water change volume to 50% minimum, I already did 50% earlier this week and plan to do another 50% or more tomorrow (will test water beforehand)...
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    Lost two corycats... cause?

    The tetras are doing well, very active and no visible signs of stress or disease. But I lost the two cory cats right BEFORE I added the tetras. So my concern was I was doing something wrong and did not want to lose any more fish. Everyone looks fine in the tank right now, guess I will just...
  36. B

    Lost two corycats... cause?

    Okay so I tested my tap water and it showed as zero. I did a 50% water change and that got things down to 10ppm. I think I have been doing too small of water changes without realizing it. Will definitely be doing at least 50% going forward. Could a month of high nitrates have killed the two...
  37. B

    How to wash a plant before adding to my tank?

    Thanks for the tips everyone! I might not bother dipping the plant. I have no plans for shrimp or snails but you never know what the future holds. If it's no risk to the health of my fish, I will probably just drop the water sprite plant right in the tank when it arrives, save myself more work! =)
  38. B

    Lost two corycats... cause?

    Thanks for the replies! I did shake the tube, a bit longer than recommended too. So hopefully my reading was accurate. I will definitely test my plain tap water tonight after work, I had no idea there could be nitrates in the regular tap! I will also retest the tank water to see how things are...
  39. B

    How to wash a plant before adding to my tank?

    I am just worried they will multiply like crazy and be everywhere in the tank. But I also don't know if that's real problem, I feel like I've just heard people trying to avoid snails and assumed that was the reason. If I had 3 or 4 in my tank I wouldn't mind, jsut don't want them multiplying...
  40. B

    Lost two corycats... cause?

    Ah, I worded that poorly. I did not transfer any store water into the tank. I put the fish into a separate container and slowly added tank water to it. Then netted them and placed them in my main tank, so the only water would have been the few drops on each fish maybe. I did go out and buy the...