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  1. R

    Jungle Fungus Clear overdose for betta?!

    Thank you.. I tried so hard. Spent quite a bit of money on 5 or 6 different medicines because nothing seemed to help. It’s really hard to find the right information to help online. There’s a lot of info out there, but to find the info you need can be a great challenge. Thank you for your...
  2. R

    Jungle Fungus Clear overdose for betta?!

    Ok thanks for the info.. but the cartridge has the activated carbon that filters the water. How does the water stay clean without it? I didn’t know you could put a sponge in there. As for the fish, he had a heater in his tank and I did partial water changes about once a week. When I first...
  3. R

    Jungle Fungus Clear overdose for betta?!

    Yeah I had tried those already at the beginning but he survived those. I am very much an amateur at fish. I took him after someone left him behind. I definitely have more experience now, but i wish I could have saved him.
  4. R

    Jungle Fungus Clear overdose for betta?!

    Thanks.. when you say clean the filter, I have the filter cartridges that I replace every couple weeks. So I just take a cartridge out when I put in medicine and put a new one in when I’m done. Is there more to it than that? I’d like to send you some pictures of what my fish looked like and see...
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  8. R

    Jungle Fungus Clear overdose for betta?!

    He passed away. So why do they put the wrong information on the medicine package? Do they want your fish to die?
  9. R

    Jungle Fungus Clear overdose for betta?!

    Thanks.. well nothing was helping his fin rot, absolutely nothing. I had tried aquarium salt and started with the natural stuff and moved on to medication as nothing was helping. I still don’t know what I should have done or what was causing his fin rot (if that’s what it was)! I had him for a...
  10. R

    Jungle Fungus Clear overdose for betta?!

    Thanks.. I’m pretty sure there’s no way he can pull out of this. I’m going to have to put him out of his misery. He’s still on the bottom not moving unless I nudge him with the net. There’s no video because he’s not moving.
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  14. R

    Jungle Fungus Clear overdose for betta?!

    Hello, Can anyone please help me? My betta has been struggling for weeks with what I guess is fin or body rot. His top fin is completely gone and it’s eaten into his back. I have tried every medication out there and nothing seems to help! Well, I put him on Jungle Fungus Clear and put in the...