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  1. J


    New to this. Recently just had first batch of parrot fry approx. 50-60. If some of the batch are kept together will they mate and if so will any problems come of this? Thanks J
  2. J


    HELP, My polar parrot cichlids have recently laid eggs for the first time. They’re now wrigglers. How long do I keep them with parents before separating them? Or do they need to stay with parents. I have a very small angelfish also in the tank will this be an issue or will the parrots protect...
  3. J

    Mixing Cichlids

    160L, pretty low stock at the minute as I’m wanting the change, the Sevrum is currently with angel fish and gourami. But unfortunately I was very keen on keeping the sevrum
  4. J

    Mixing Cichlids

    I currently have a community tank with a Golden sevrum around 3-4”, I am wanting to change to an African Cichlid tank. How would the sevrum be along with Malawi cichlid ?