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  1. omarmillan


    Thankyou! Yeaah, I love watching how he goes up through the glass and then suddenly "jumps" of lets himself fall to the bottom. They are pretty interesting!
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  3. omarmillan


    This one is mine. Pretty simple actually, is a 30 gallon tank with Corys, a G. aymonierii and a L. leptocheilus, both I have to get back to the pet shop. I almost don't have plants because I wanted my to be as easier to take care as it could be, but I could not resist once I got to the...
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  8. omarmillan

    Can you help me identify this fish?

    Cool, thank you very much for your answers. Seems like I'm going to shoot for the only 1 goldfish and the 6 corys tank, I'm keeping the mistery snail though. I've had planorbis a while ago but they're really hard to find nowadays in local pet shops or aquariums. Regarding the algae problem...
  9. omarmillan

    Can you help me identify this fish?

    Yeah, I read about it and seems not to be suitable at all for the type of tank I'd like to maintain, so I'll have to return both or donate them to the neighbourhood pond. I didn't know saes would get that big, is there anything I can keep on my 30 gallon tank along with the corys and 1 black...
  10. omarmillan

    Can you help me identify this fish?

    FOUND IT! Thank you very much! With your comment and a quick google search finally found it: Thank you all!

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  13. omarmillan

    Can you help me identify this fish?

    Noted, thanks, Byron, I also have a mistery snail so, it must've eaten the rests of the SAE because I didn't find anything in the filters. The overall population at this time is 6 C. paleatus, 1 CAE, 1 mistery snail and the unidentified fish. About my aquarium it's still in formation, I wanted...
  14. omarmillan

    Can you help me identify this fish?

    Thank you! I just want it to live happy in my tank and find out if its a school fish, you know, so I can get him a partner or a couple, or more, depending on how big they will grow, and to know that it's not going to be munching on my goldfish's fins and so. Waiting for a response, thank you!
  15. omarmillan

    Can you help me identify this fish?

    Hello, I'm pretty new in this forum as you can see. I decided registering because I have this one fish I cannot identify. I have a 30gal tank with some corys, a G. aymonieri and an unknown fish that I bought thinking it was a Silver Flying Fox, but it doesn't look like one actually . The man...
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