Search results

  1. mmarx339

    My new 125 gal setup

    Its an ancient root
  2. mmarx339

    My new 125 gal setup

    Contra soil and small pebble mixture
  3. mmarx339

    Stocking Ideas

    Just get a pair of blue gularis killifish and get rid of everything else
  4. mmarx339

    My new 125 gal setup

    Stock: Rainbows 12 Clown barbs 4 Golden bee goby 1 Siamese algae eaters 5 Gold laser cory cats 6 Red laser tettra 6 Blue gularis killifish 2 Black ghost knife fish 1 Short fin lemon blue eye pleco 2 Long fin lemon blue eye pleco 2 Blue phantom pleco 1 Spotted congo puffer fish 1 Stripped...
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  8. mmarx339

    Tank cleaning

    It depends on your stock. Big stock, big water change. Small stock, small water change.
  9. mmarx339

    New fishy, congo spotted puffer

    New fishy, spotted congo puffer in the 55
  10. E544D31A-8D95-4034-ABDD-DE84035D69B2.jpeg


  11. 81D1D258-64D0-4DC8-9689-6CBC0BBDCEDE.jpeg


  12. AC0EA8F6-EC32-4491-88C6-9DC552957F06.jpeg


  13. 376D04AF-8C00-46F2-930D-FFA7477FD24B.jpeg


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  19. 1AD09A31-51D7-454B-835E-8ABA63754FF0.jpeg


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  21. mmarx339

    Rare Species Pics :p

    Ill have to ask him next time I go. He was busy and doesn’t know the spelling so hed have to look it up. But Like i said its some type of freshwater goby I believe
  22. mmarx339

    Rare Species Pics :p

    He’s really cute we call him bubbles lol probably gonna outlive everything too.ive heard 10-15 years and 8-12 if the genealogy is good. I havent heard the croak yet though and i barely ever see him. Every once in a while i pick up his house and do a life check but hes always fine every time i...
  23. mmarx339

    Rare Species Pics :p

    Its a species of freshwater goby (goby is burried in the species name that escapes me) its a really strange long odd name
  24. mmarx339

    Rare Species Pics :p

    I forget the species name but you wont find any results or pictures on web unless you can go to google china i think was where he found a pic to show me of an adult one
  25. mmarx339

    Rare Species Pics :p

    Most definitely I don’t know it’s literally by coincidence that i live 20 ish minutes away and that i just so happened to get into fish keeping and my tattoo artist friend just so happened to be friends with the owner of this store and he doesn’t ship (no need people travel to him). I don’t know...
  26. mmarx339

    Rare Species Pics :p

    If you are talking about what i think you are, that is the very rare breed known as Romaine
  27. mmarx339

    Rare Species Pics :p

    Also i suck at taking pictures so sorry for the quality
  28. mmarx339

    Rare Species Pics :p

    Ik he is cute. Basically they arent common anywhere but they are seen in china and europe. You find any pics on google here i dont think. I don’t know how with the trade war and what not but my guy got a shipment out of 4 of those and some rare gobys too one had patterns of a blue gularis...
  29. mmarx339

    Rare Species Pics :p

    Incase nobody has ever seen these before. I just took some pictures of a couple species of mine Mary River Rainbow Teewah Creek Rainbow Red Sailfin Sand sifter Red Laser Tetra
  30. 2888BC09-7376-4475-B4DF-9BD0E40B575D.jpeg


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  32. A7741F93-48DE-4410-9282-F6A8909A3971.jpeg


  33. 9CE991B3-3A09-4B31-9526-05109A9B1DDB.jpeg


  34. A60C6441-F003-452A-AE8B-C745017CC50C.jpeg


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  38. mmarx339

    My new tank setup

  39. mmarx339

    My new tank setup

    Also if you have a tight fitting lid open something up to allow evaporation this will help when you hit the nitrite spike. As nitrite is a gas and needs to escape or it will fog up the water as well.
  40. mmarx339

    My new tank setup

    Also yes if your tap already has ammonia that should be enough to kick start. I missed that part.