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  1. P

    Water Change Question

    Thanks Munroco. The photos really don't do it justice. It was sitting on my desk for 15 years and the inspiration for the tank.
  2. P

    Water Change Question

    I'll keep up with the daily water changes then. Thanks all!
  3. P

    Water Change Question

    The philodendron are growing emmersed on the driftwood and growing very aggressively throwing down lots of long roots and putting up shoots. The three Hydra Lotus Lucky Bamboo are huge and rooting like crazy. Hopefully they are improving water quality while the tank cycles. I know it doesn't...
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  6. P

    Water Change Question

    I worry about my bioload being a bit too high. I have eight panda corys and three nerites in a 15 gallon. Also, the tank is still cycling.
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  8. P

    Water Change Question

    I worry about my bioload being a bit too high. I have eight panda corys and three nerites in a 15 gallon. Also, the tank is still cycling.
  9. P

    Water Change Question

    Are daily 50% water changes too much?
  10. P

    How Long do Anubias nana petite Individual Leaves Live?

    Great to know! Thanks much guys!
  11. P

    How Long do Anubias nana petite Individual Leaves Live?

    I've read that they generally grow a new leaf each month. Anyone know how long the leaves live?
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  14. P

    Think I'm Losing a Panda

    I don't have floating plants, but I have these. The philodendron are really starting to take off throwing down lots of long roots and putting up shoots. The three Hydra Lotus Lucky Bamboo are huge and rooting like crazy. Hopefully they are improving water quality while the tank cycles.
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    Corys Charging Up and Down Glass Not Necessarily Sign of Stress

    He died of cancer. He was a 12 year old lab.
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    Corys Charging Up and Down Glass Not Necessarily Sign of Stress

    Actually, I just counted at least 15 on the front glass alone. Looks as though I may be breeding them already. They could likely survive on the Nerite poop alone. Wow they poop alot! I understand. I went through the same thing with my Kody a few years ago.
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    Corys Charging Up and Down Glass Not Necessarily Sign of Stress

    Wouldn't have the slightest idea how. Anyone ever bred flatworms? If they came in on the Anubias petite that would be a great excuse to keep ordering more. So sorry about Candy Salty. :(
  18. P

    Corys Charging Up and Down Glass Not Necessarily Sign of Stress

    My panda corys were vigorously swimming up and down the glass last night, but didn't seem stressed at all. Snuck up on them with my glasses for a closer look and noticed several very tiny (16th of an inch) white flatworms on the glass. My pandas were hunting! And for an hour I watched them...
  19. P

    Think I'm Losing a Panda

    So the little guy is completely back to normal today and eating! Not sure what was wrong with him. I'm not sure about the chloramine either. Does water conditioner remove it? Don't know where I would get floating plants. Any online sources and plant suggestions? I did order some river sand...
  20. P

    Think I'm Losing a Panda

    If I'm reading my API master test kit correctly. The tank is only 6 weeks old so not fully cycled.
  21. P

    Lazy Nerite

    I'm shocked at how much these things poop! Literally a turd every two minutes!!!
  22. P

    Think I'm Losing a Panda

    Too small to photograph. Just small, thin white worms about a 16" of an inch long. Planaria maybe? I have noticed two of the pandas flashing against the gravel and rocks occasionally the past few days.
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    Think I'm Losing a Panda

    Little white worms on the glass. They have to be flatworms. Are gill flukes round worms?
  24. P

    Think I'm Losing a Panda

    Again, great info!
  25. P

    Think I'm Losing a Panda

    Great information! Makes me wonder if the sand aids digestion and plays a role in gill health.
  26. P

    Doses Water Conditioner Accumulate in Tank?

    I dose a bit heavily (3ml) with water conditioner during my 20 to 30% daily water changes (1ml per 2 gallons is recommended and I usually remove and add 4 to 5 ga). Cory from Aquarium Co-Op mentioned that one would need to dose 9 times the recommended dose before reaching toxic levels (I would...
  27. P

    Lazy Nerite

    Bought two new Nerites on Saturday and they are even more inactive than the first. They hardly move.
  28. P

    Think I'm Losing a Panda

    Thanks Byron. Do you have a recommendation for sand. I've had white before and prefer something not white this time around. Black or brown is preferable.
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    Think I'm Losing a Panda

    Thanks for the input! They aren't happier in the sand?
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    Think I'm Losing a Panda

    While I've read enough to convince me that they would be fine with gravel, I've also read enough to convince me that they are happier with sand. As such, I am working on getting a sand substrate. Although, I'm not crazy about the anaerobic properties of sand, particularly with the roots of my...
  31. P

    Think I'm Losing a Panda

    All of their barbels are in pristine condition. Water parameters are excellent. I fear a parasite. His gill area looks a bit red.
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    Think I'm Losing a Panda

    He is just lying there (far right) while all of the others zip around at feeding time. He doesn't even move when bumped by the other fish. Just bought two new Nerites on Saturday. I hope they didn't bring anything into the tank. I don't have a quarantine setup. His color looks dark too. Tank...
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  34. P

    Lazy Nerite

    Thanks essjay! Good to know.
  35. P

    Found a Snail

    Wow! Hadn't considered that. Good to know.
  36. P

    Found a Snail

    Had originally planned on only six Pandas, but couldn't resist buying another two. Adding two to the group really changed the dynamic and their schooling behavior for the better. They just seem happier. They'll be fine with daily water changes. I do regret not using sand. Used it in my last...
  37. P

    Lazy Nerite

    My Nerite consistently moves about the tank eating algae. He just moves REALLY slowly. Getting two more today to help him with the algae cleanup. I have read that they can sleep for up to 30 hours every few days. Have also read that they need to surface periodically for air but haven't seen him...
  38. P

    Found a Snail

    Do you think two whole Hikari sinking wafers (one in the morning and one in the evening) is too much for eight juvenile Panda Cory's?
  39. P

    Found a Snail

    Thanks Viking! The tank looks much better in person. The daily gravel vacuuming and 30% water changes keep the water crystal clear and the Panda Corys get crazy excited when I do them. Reminds me of a dog after a bath. They also remind me of Clown Loaches so much. The Philodendron is growing...
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