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    Cory egg grew!

    You may remember I posted a photo some months back showing eggs on my aquarium glass. They didn’t last, and over the weeks several more batches appeared and perished. I noticed two Cody’s digging a cave under the artificial log but thought no more of it, other than that they were possibly...
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    Are these eggs?

    I didn’t really intend to attempt to hatch the eggs as I only have the one tank nowadays. The decision has been taken out of my hands anyway as the eggs are no longer visible. many thanks for your replies, and I hope those of you who would like to breed Corys are successful.
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    Are these eggs?

    Thanks Colin
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    Are these eggs?

    I recently noticed one of my harlequins was a darker colour than usual, also yesterday two of my Cory sterbii seemed to be entwined for some time. This morning I have noticed what I think are several small clumps of eggs on the aquarium glass. Can anyone confirm they are eggs from the photo and...
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    Flake food

    What ingredient made you decide to change? I have just tried the flake and after about 30 minutes on top of the radiator they do seem a bit better.
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    Flake food

    I keep the tub in a drawer in a dry area, however I could well have used damp fingers or tweezers to pick some out. I have taken the lid off and placed it on top of a radiator to see if that helps.
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    Flake food

    Hi all, I mainly feed my fish, neons, harlequins and Cory sterbae, on Hikari micro wafers. I also like to use some flake food. A couple of months ago I bought a tub of Aquariun tropical flakes, the very top few flakes were as normal but as I progressed further they were in clumps of flakes...
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    Persistent infection

    Thanks for your help guys, the fish are all eating and fully coloured. I will stop the medication and just keep a close watch on any developments.
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    Persistent infection

    My tank has now been running for approximately four months, and no new fish or plants have been added for about three months. The problem first appeared as a white looking area around the mouth of one of my sterbii Corys along with the disappearance of his barbels. I considered this to probably...
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    Sand substrate and cloudy water

    Hi guys, just thought I would update you on the progress. After stripping the tank down, cleaning the substrate very thoroughly and then refilling the tank appeared cloudy again. This improved day by day, now four days on the water clarity is excellent. I mention this as a glimmer of hope...
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    Sand substrate and cloudy water

    I cannot find a specific name on the bag but from the website I would say it is the speckled sand. I have a small amount left in the bag so I will pop along to MA with this and ask them.
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    Sand substrate and cloudy water

    The sand is Maidenhead Aquatics brand, and between the first attempt two days ago and then again today after I stripped the tank down I must have stirred the sand in a bucket about thirty to forty times draining the water between each time. PKZ, I have drained the tank down and cleaned the sand...
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    Sand substrate and cloudy water

    I have used sand substrate in my tank as I want to keep corydoras, sand purchased from a reliable national chain of fish keeping shop, said to be completely inert and washed. I washed the sand a number of times in a new bucket but when I filled the tank the water was immediately cloudy. After 48...
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    50 years later and starting again. Maybe.

    Hi guys, thanks for your replies, i am flattered by the thought of a child of the 60/70s. I started keeping fish in the 70’s, I am a child of the 40’s. Think I will give it a go, slowly.
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    50 years later and starting again. Maybe.

    I set up my first tank by candlelight during the power cuts of the seventies. During the following years I built up a collection of tanks of various sizes. The substrate in those days was pea gravel and the new fangled, back then, under gravel filters. Anyway as time went on and with several...